Skype video freezes when I start working on second monitor

I have a multiple monitor setup, with my laptop screen as the primary monitor where I run skype. When I am in a video call with someone (this has happened multiple times and even immediately after restarting my computer) and I start doing something on one of the secondary monitors, the incoming video freezes. My image that I am broadcasting remains unfrozen. 

Is there anything I can do to allow me to access my other monitors without freezing the incoming video? I know the video will unfreeze if the other person turns off their video and then turns it back on, but I cannot keep asking them to do that just so I don't have to look at a static image.


Please be advised that we do not recommend for you to sign in to Skype in multiple devices.

This is to avoid any interference with the calls you made on your account. As this can lead to call routing issue. We highly for you to utilize one device at a time. 

Please let us know if you have any questions or other concerns.

Marites P

Skype Community Moderator

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I am not signing in on multiple devices, I am only using my laptop. But I do have two additional monitors connected to that laptop. When I place the skype window on one monitor, and only click on content on that monitor, skype works fine. But if I click on content on a window in another monitor, the skype video (other person) freezes. My image remains unfrozen.

This has only been a problem for the last couple of weeks. Before that it worked as expected. 

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Thank you for your response. 

Can you please confirm the Skype version installed on your device? For your reference, click here.  Also, what type of connection do you have? 

We look forward to your response. 

Marites P

Skype Community Moderator

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I am using Skype 12.8 for Windows 10 desktop. My connection is at least 50Mbps, but I don't believe my connection is the issue for the reasons I mentioned (video works fine until I try to click on content in another window on another monitor). and the outgoing video works fine as well.

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Thank you for your response. 

Can you please try to use another connection when you tried to make a video call. Also, for reference for the Skype bandwidth, click here.

Marites P

Skype Community Moderator

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Thank you for your response. 

Can you please try to use another connection when you tried to make a video call. Also, for reference for the Skype bandwidth, click here.

No, I cannot try another connection, because I use this at home. And why are you trying to assert that the connection speed is the problem when my connection speed is at least 80X what is required for an HD video connection (my download speed is 115 Mbps, and required is 1.5 Mbps), AND I keep telling you that video works until I click on something on another monitor. Clearly this is not a connection issue, and if you are going to keep acting like it is, maybe you can explain why this is happening.

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We understand that you don't want to use another connection. With that, for further assistance, I highly suggest for you to contact our chat support team. Kindly check your email for the details. Check it here: Inbox


Please let us know if you have any questions or other concerns.

Marites P

Skype Community Moderator

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Question Info

Last updated December 25, 2023 Views 783 Applies to: