Send us your feedback on MSI Installer!

If you’ve been using MSI with previous versions of Skype to install and upgrade user accounts for your business, we would like to hear your feedback.

We are specifically wanting to hear about…

  • How you are currently distributing Skype to users in your business?
  • If providing short and simple instructions to create a script to deploy Skype executables using group policy will satisfy your needs.


Please reply below if you're interested in discussing how we can provide a way to deploy Skype to your business.


The Skype Team

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as a matter of fact, we still deploying MSI of classic skype, because Skype 8 cannot be controled by GPO and user interface is not useable for bussiness.

For some time we were discussing switching to skype for bussines, but since microsoft is discontinuing SfB in favor of teams, we willl most likely need to find some other solution.

UWP skype is unusable due missing features and GPO control.

As for deploying exe trough policy, that's bad idea in general, you don't want to run any exe from network.

Thanks to changes in onedrive client, deploying modern onedrive client for use with onedrive for business is hell lot of pain. if skype aims to be deployed same way, it's another reason to drop skype.

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Didn't Microsoft invent the MSI?  Doesn't MSI in fact stand for Microsoft Installer?  It is likely that you have a business plan and it clearly doesn't include allowing deployment of Skype via Group Policy.

I am walking around about every 10 fricking days doing manual Skype updates and talking up Zoom to my staff while I make the rounds.

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Hey MooreMN,

I'm a product manager for Skype and we're currently looking at what it would take to help solve this problem. Can I ask, what version of Skype you have running for your users? We recently shipped a feature which doesn't show the upgrade prompt for users who aren't admins on the machine. I'd like to make sure there isn't a bug and that this is working properly, let me know if that's not the case.

As for providing an MSI - we're currently looking at our options. If we provide a script that deploys exes to your users using group policy will that meet your needs? 

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Hello Mexmer,

Can you provide more details as to why it's not a good idea to deploy exe through group policy? We believe using this method may solve your problem of deploying Skype to your users but would like to know if that's not the case.

Our goal is to provide an easy way deploy Skype to your users so would love more details on how we can best achieve this.

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Zack, when you say that you've "recently shipped a feature which doesn't show the upgrade prompt for users who aren't admins on the machine", do you mean a recent update to skype V8 had this feature included?  If so, can you tell us which version included the change?  This is one of the bigger reason's I haven't upgraded my users yet and I would like to test this if it's available.

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I also have PCs out which are not connected to a Windows Domain and where the users don't have admin privileges.

How can a Skype 8 update get issued there? - I don't want to use the Windows store app.

(This was already a problem with Skype 7, some time ago Skype updates were covered by the Microsoft Update)

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Zack, when you say that you've "recently shipped a feature which doesn't show the upgrade prompt for users who aren't admins on the machine", do you mean a recent update to skype V8 had this feature included?  If so, can you tell us which version included the change?  This is one of the bigger reason's I haven't upgraded my users yet and I would like to test this if it's available.

Hi Shane,

To be more precise, Skype still shows the upgrade prompt for users who aren't admins, however the latest version (8.31) allow users who aren't admins to dismiss the prompt and continue working. Let us know if that's not the case and we'll take a look to help unblock your team.

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Microsoft keepsaying they send ma a code on my land line Phone

how the hell can I get the code can they send it to my Mobile 

going bunkers about this Problem Please Can you help me to get back my 


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Hello Michael,

We're investigating how to best provide a solution for deploying Skype to your users. What are your specific needs? It sounds like you are not using group policy to distribute Skype. Have you thought about using OneDrive and setting permissions to users that need to download and install Skype?

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We have two situations:

1. Company network:

A Windows domain controller runs there and deploys Skype via GPO.

2. Plant network:

Stand alone PCs without domain integration, Skype gets intalled once manually and should stay up to date without any user action like Windows updates. There are no users available with admin privileges on these sites.

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Last updated January 30, 2021 Views 2,407 Applies to: