Can't make calls in Skype

Hi all, 

I need assistance with my Skype. I can't seem to make it work. I'm trying to do an echo test call however it would just give me a beeping sound. It somehow looks like it is making a call because the speaker is showing and the the call button is greyed out but it doesn't give the audio instructions on how to do the echo test like it supposed to. I attached an image for better visualization. I need help asap.Image

Hi there Christian VerAscaño and welcome to the new home of the Skype Community!

I can see that you are using Skype for Web, how about changing browsers and clearing your browsing hisory? Does the issue still persist? Can you also try to do an echo test with Skype for Windows desktop client? You can use this link to go to the download site.


Skype Community Moderator 

Skype Community Moderator

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Question Info

Last updated February 23, 2022 Views 1,380 Applies to:
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