How to delete search history entries in new Outlook Mail interface

I am using the new Outlook Mail interface (see screen shot below). I access my Outlook Mail account using a browser.

When I click the "Search Mail and People" label in Outlook Mail, a dropdown list appears showing my search history. There is no "X" to the right of each of these entries (see screen shot below).

How can I delete the entries in Outlook Mail's search history?

PLEASE NOTE:  I have tried Firefox, Chrome, and IE. I have cleared the cookies/cache in each of these browsers. I have also tried multiple computers ... the problem remains ... I can not find a way to delete entries in Outlook Mail's search history list.

I have performed the following troubleshooting steps...

On one computer (call it "computer #1") using Firefox, I opened my Outlook Mail account, clicked "Search Mail and People" and typed a new unique search term ... i.e., a search term that had never been used before ... (call it "search term #1"). As expected, that term then appeared in Outlook Mail's search history (on "computer #1").

Then (still on "computer #1"), I closed Firefox, and used IE11 to access my Outlook Mail account. When I clicked "Search Mail and People", "search term #1" was already in the history dropdown list (I had never typed "search term #1" when using IE11). 

Then I used a DIFFERENT computer ("computer #2"), and accessed my Outlook Mail account using IE. When I clicked "Search Mail and People", "search term #1" (that I entered on "computer #1" using Firefox) was already in the Outlook Mail history list. I had never typed "search term #1" when using "computer #2". On "computer #2", I repeated this step using Firefox and Chrome ... and in both cases "search term #1" was already in the dropdown list.

The above troubleshooting steps tell me that the search history entries are NOT kept in the browser's cookies, not kept in the browser's cache, and not stored in computer's registry. The search history must be kept in my account on the Outlook Mail server.

The attachment below shows that there is no "X" to the right of each entry in the search history dropdown. Is there any way (in the new Outlook Mail interface) to delete entries from the search history?

From the lack of responses to this thread's question (which was: Is there any way (in the new Outlook Mail interface) to delete entries from the search history?), I am guessing that the answer is no.

This is yet another example of the poor design of the new Outlook Mail interface. How hard can it be to display an "X" to the right of each item in the search history list ... and if the user clicks the "X", then the corresponding item would be deleted. That's just User Interface Design 101 ... which Microsoft appears to have slept through.


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Last updated April 8, 2024 Views 1,379 Applies to: