Mouse and cheese test is _______ ridiculous.

Is this rediculous test intended to get us to upgrade to some paid MS plan?

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Hi WaynePage3,

My name is Rafael H, I am an independent advisor and I will do my best to help you today.

Due to the little information provided by the message, I was unable to help you properly. Could you tell me a little more about the problem?

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Raphael is very right.

This is the most stupid capture puzzle I have ever seen.

If you are a little to slow can start new

Then just when you arrive 4 of 5 it extends to 10.

I just want to send one email but now I cannot because the ding dong capture can't resolve.

I am not your clown

How someone who is a little more old could solve this on time

It is just about spam prevention and not rocket sience so please keep it simple and quick resolvable.

Now I am not able to use your email service more because I not have the time to do the same puzzle again and again

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I would like to add to the complaint.

I was trying to send an email from my outlook account using the microsoft web-based mail system.

Having pressed 'send' I was was presented with a quiz - to ensure I wasn't a robot (?).

I was shown 6 pictures of a mouse and cheese inside a puzzle and you had to work out in which one of the 6 pictures was it impossible for the mouse to reach the cheese.

There were 5 puzzles to complete but if you got one wrong, you had to do more (eg 8 or 10).

So far, so good. However, the time allowed to complete the puzzle was far too short. I tried again and again but kept running out of time.

In the end the only way I could do it in time was by getting my partner to look at the top row and I looked at the bottom.

Does anyone test these systems? Or just the geeks who write the code? Get this fixed.

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The test is utterly useless (well other than at stopping bots open email addresses). I tried many times and failed. You can select the speaker symbol and this was much easier to pass. This of course is not an option for many, so Microsoft really needs to think much, much harder about its anti-bot tests.

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Worst test ever.  Horrible.  Tried for 30 minutes.  I am not a moron, yet

I could not do it.  6 mazes, all different, many complicated, and you have

only a few seconds to find the one that the mouse and cheese are separated.

Then you have to do it 4 more times.  Then 5 more times

What Microsoft mental midget came

up with this test.  Unbelievable.

Great Job Microsoft - I just signed up with Gmail

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I personally think that we were the mouse and that someone was testing us!

There is no way that this was a method of determining that we are not bots.  

It was a plainly a test. We did it because it came from a legitimate source and now they have our data - the response times to determine how quickly we complete a visual puzzle. It increased the number of responses when we completed it and decreases the time and/or increased the complexity. 

The true questions are why and who is receiving the data...

I am severely disappointed with Microsoft.  I used to trust them but now feel “used”.  

I/We are NOT your lab rats!

I am awaiting for a legitimate response from MS that does not simply state that this was an “error”/oversight or some other BS. 

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Really ridiculous and impossible.  The puzzle is way too small to see and solve in such a short time.  Will switch to Google mail since Microsoft is making it so difficult to sent a simple email!  Truly unbelievable!

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I am experiencing the same frustration as all here, the captcha appears to be some kind of test, one that I have not been able to overcome. My email is essentially disabled until I can get a solution. 

Can you please get back to us quickly. 

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Thanks to ProximalWill 's response.

Select the Audio button to receive a group of numbers to get through and bypass the ridiculous mouse trap test . Much appreciated. 

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Fire the idiot who created this test.

Stupidest thing I've ever attempted to do.  Had to do the sound thing, which is also almost impossible. the idiot who created this test.  You're going to lose tons of customers because it's impossible to complete. 

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Last updated March 28, 2024 Views 3,394 Applies to: