How do I forward email to multiple recipients?

How do I forward email to multiple recipintes without losing the email in the process since only partial (the most frequently used) email addresses are displayed?

Wren I click on the "People" to display all the contacts I have I get their pictures not the addresses and in the process I lose th email I intended to send


Original Title: How do I forward email to multiple recipintes without losing the email in the process since only partial (the most frequently used) email addresses are displayed?


Go to Mail


Click on an email.
Go to the top "ribbon"
Click on the V to the right of Reply.
The drop down menu appears as per the snip.


Refer snip below
to get to BCC.
Click between TO & CC to "activate" Bcc.


When forwarding an email

Type your email address in the "To" field. Click on "Show Cc and Bcc."
Type an email address of a recipient {or the Group name in the Bcc field .}
Hit your space bar.
Hotmail/ Outlook will automatically separate the email address from the next email address you include, and so forth.
After you complete the email and send it, recipients names will be hidden.

Just an FYI, if you do "broadcast" to a large number of people at one time it may be interpreted as spam.
Any "usual activity" and any big changes to it sometimes results in a temporary limit on your sending limit.

BTW >If you click the "To", "Cc", or "Bcc" once it gives you favorites.

If you click it twice it gives you the complete list. 
You can toggle back and forth between them by clicking

A more permanent fix For Outlook
More Mail Settings
Customising Outlook
Advanced privacy settings
Auto-complete suggestions
Give suggestions for anyone I've communicated with (contacts and non-contacts)

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Question Info

Last updated June 2, 2024 Views 1,783 Applies to: