What causes the cursor/space bar to delete next letter(s) making corrections?

Thisis a test line

 When I return to seperate Thisis and place the cursor between s and i it erases the i and any susequent letters as further corrections are attempted. Did I invertedly enter a wrong command? This just started a few days ago and happens in Outlook and Word.

Any suggestions?


PS: It is not doing it in this section

There are two methods or modes of typing; Insert and Overtype. With Insert you push the text to the right and with Overtype you replace characters with the ones you type. Here are directions for toggling overtype on and off.

Turn on or off Overtype (OVR) mode (Office 2003)

Turn on or off overtype mode (Office 2007/2010)

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Last updated April 9, 2023 Views 17,698 Applies to: