Unable to verify account information - iPhone Mail App

I am trying to sign into my Office 365 account using my iPhone's native mail app. I have been able to sign in on this account since I've had it, but it just stopped working last week.

Upon trying to add the account, it says "Unable to verify account information."

The odd thing is, I am able to sign in to the account on the native Apple Mail app on my Mac, it just doesn't work on my iPhone. Both are Apple's native mail app, so why does it work on my Mac but not my iPhone?

I saw on a similar question posted a while ago that I should try to run a test on the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer. I tried running an ActiveSync test for the account, and the test failed, if that is helpful.

I really do not want to download the Outlook app for iOS. I would much rather have all of my mail in one place, and it should work on the apple mail app. There is no reason it shouldn't work, especially if it is working on my Mac.

Hello Spencer Tamburello,

Thank you for your information. Mac and Mobile don’t use the same protocols for connecting. Could you save that report in HTML format and share with me in Private Message, so that I can have a look at it? To access Private Message, please click this link: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/privatemessage/inbox


Besides, please sign in (or let admin sign in) Microsoft 365 admin center -> Users -> Active Users -> select your account from account list and in Mail tab -> Manage email apps -> make sure “Exchange ActiveSync” is enabled:



Best Regards,


--------* Beware of Scammers posting fake Support Numbers here.

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Question Info

Last updated January 16, 2025 Views 2,311 Applies to: