I have been using Hotmail pretty much ever since it came online. Yes, I know how bad it is for spam plus all the Outlook & MS hate out there, but it has been my email addr for over 25 years and I don't want to have to change that. Yes, I also have a Gmail account....I use that for gaming, it is somewhat anonymous since it doesn't have my name in it like I do on Hotmail.
I have reconciled myself to the hassle of dealing with my Hotmail spam every day with my morning coffee. I usually have 25-30 in there from overnight, and I have to go thru them because for some reason Hotmail insists on putting at least some of my emails from CVS Caremark in the Junk folder, so I have to catch that and move them to Inbox.
Today when I fired up my browser and went to the Hotmail tab (which I keep pinned at all times), there was no Junk folder !!! Perhaps MS has updated Hotmail so that it doesn't have a Junk folder anymore ? There are a couple of problems with that: first, I would like to be told when a major change like that takes place, and secondly, how do I know that some of my Caremark emails are not now falling into whatever black hole all the junk mail I used to get every day is going, i.e., where is all my junk mail going now that I don't have a Junk folder ?
One other possibility that I can think of is that perhaps *I* moved it. Sometimes my old hand spasms (for want of a better word) and jerks the mouse as I am moving it. This has gotten me killed more than once in a game. Seems I remember a time in File Explorer where that happened as I clicked on a folder and I wound up moving the folder into another folder rather than opening it. I wonder if that might have happened here ? I looked for the Junk folder in the other folders and have not found it.
Thanks in advance for any help !!!