Hi everyone,
For some months now, I have tried to add an iCloud email address to Outlook 2016 on my laptop. Unfortunately, no matter what combination of settings I use from various help sites, I have resorted to this community as a hopeful answer to my dilemma.
My email address is suffixed by @icloud.com. I know my password, so I am sure that is not the problem. I double-checked the password at www.icloud.com just now.
The settings I have tried in various combinations are (**** = confidential characters):
- User Information:
- Your Name: Jason's iCloud
- Email Address: ****@icloud.com
- Server Information:
- Account Type: IMAP
- Incoming mail server:
- imap.mail.me.com
- p08-imap.mail.me.com
- Outgoing mail server (SMTP):
- smtp.mail.me.com
- p06-smtp.mail.me.com
- Logon Information:
- User Name:
- ****@icloud.com
- ****
- even leaving it blank!!
- Password: about ten different ones!!! But, I have also tried the right one, and also tried leaving it blank!!
- User Name:
- Remember password: both ticked and unticked
- Require logon using SPA: both ticked and unticked
- Internet E-mail Settings:
- General:
- Mail Account:
- iCloud
- left it blank
- ****@icloud.com
- and various other wordings
- Other User Information:
- Organisation:
- private
- left it blank
- Reply E-mail:
- ****@icloud.com
- left it blank
- Organisation:
- Mail Account:
- Outgoing Server:
- My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication:
- unticked
- ticked:
- Use same settings as my incoming mail server:
- ticked
- unticked:
- Log on using:
- User Name:
- ****@icloud.com
- ****
- Password: see previous comment on the other password field
- Remember password: both ticked and unticked
- Require SPA: both ticked and unticked
- User Name:
- Log on using:
- Use same settings as my incoming mail server:
- My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication:
- Advanced:
- Server Port Numbers:
- IMAP: 993
- Use the following type of encrypted connection:
- None
- Auto
- Use the following type of encrypted connection:
- SMTP: tried 587 and 25
- Use the following type of encrypted connection:
- None
- Auto
- Use the following type of encrypted connection:
- IMAP: 993
- Server Timeouts: 1 minute
- Folders: never entered anything into the Root folder path
- Sent Items: always unticked Do not save copies of sent items
- Deleted Items: always unticked the Mark items... field, and always ticked the Purge items... field
- Server Port Numbers:
- General:
No matter what my setup combination, I get the Internet E-mail - ****@icloud.com dialog box requesting with the Server showing as imap.mail.me.com, the User Name as what was entered into the Logon Information mentioned above, a Password that is hidden and which I then manually write in, and the Save this password... unticked, which I have tried ticking and unticking. Whenever I hit OK the same dialog box pops up. Doing it just now, it popped up five times in a row after pressing OK. Pressing Cancel brings me back to the Add Account dialog box, which is now not responding!! The latter is not a big issue as it is expected with Microsoft products on any computer!! :-)
So, does anyone know if Outlook 2016 is compatible with iCloud email addresses, or imap.mail.me.com, or smtp.mail.me.com, or whether such iCloud email users must download the iCloud application first?
Hopefully someone out there can assist me!
Or, the best answer may just be get an outlook address! But that is like having two postal addresses, which is idiotic!
Thanks all,
Jason. Saturday 28 May 2016, 15:22 Western Australia Time
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