How to Send a Test Mail From

I want to send a test mail from website. i do not see any option for that and actually i do not have much idea about test mail. anyone please share the steps to send a test mail. Thank you

Hi Ankit, my name is Neil, I'm an independent adviser and Outlook user like you.

There is no special setting to send a test email. You can send a test email to yourself even.

All you need to do is click on "New message" on the Outlook website. In the "To" field of the new email, you can type your own email address. In the "Add a subject" field, you can type "Test Email" if you want to.

Again, you can type anything you want into the main email body area. Something like "Test" is fine, but it can be anything you want it to be.

Afterwards, simply click on "Send" to send the email.

Even if the email is addressed to yourself, it still goes through the same process and email servers as any other outgoing email. The added advantage of it being addressed to yourself is that you will get it back to your own email address much quicker than waiting on someone else to report they received an email from you successfully.

Think of it like posting a letter to yourself in a postbox. That letter still gets collected and processed by the post office before being delivered back to you. The same goes for email. An email addressed to yourself goes through the same collection and delivery process as other email you send out.

Your test email should come back to you within a minute or so.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have further questions.

Kindest regards,

Neil :)

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Thank  you  very  much  for  your  response. So  basically test  mail  is  just  like  normal  mail. No  idea  then  why people  use  this  term, that  is  confusing.  I  have  tried  to  send  test  mail  to  my  other  gmail  account but  its  gone  into  spam  folder. Is  there  any  specific  rules  for  sending  this  mail  to  avoid  going  into  spam  folder?

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The only way to stop an email from going into the spam folder is to tell the receiving email program/ this case Gmail, that the email address is coming from a trusted source. So there's nothing that you can do from the Outlook end unfortunately (there's no setting you can select), it has to be done from the Gmail side of the equation and tells Gmail that that email address is not spam.

Once you instruct Gmail that the email is not spam though, from that point on, any future emails from that email address should always arrive in your inbox and not your spam folder.

Unfortunately, due to the many scammers and illegitimate email senders nowadays, it becomes increasingly hard for an email program to determine what email is genuine and what is spam. It's commonplace for an email from a new sender to end up in the spam folder though, until you instruct the email program that the email is actually not spam.

And, if there were an option to mark your email as 'not spam' before sending it, then all the scammers would simply tick this option too. Hence why this option doesn't exist. That's why it is important to go through your spam email folder and just check that there aren't any genuine emails in there. As time goes by, your email program will learn better and better about what is spam and what isn't and you should find that very few genuine emails end up in your spam folder.

I hope this helps.

Kindest regards,

Neil :)

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