How many email addresses can I have with an Office 365 account?

A couple of years ago, we signed up for a family office 365 account (I think). We currently have 2 email addresses associated with that account. At the time, I believe I was told that we could have additional email addresses, but I can't remember the details. A quick search seemed to indicate that an Office 365 account allowed up to 25 different email addresses (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***, *** Email address is removed for privacy ***, etc...). But some answers also mentioned aliases. The Microsoft help was, to say it politely, muddled and more focused on marketing than information.

Can someone tell me

  1. What is the difference is between an email address and an alias? I assume an alias is another name for the same email address. So if my real email address is *** Email address is removed for privacy *** and I set up an *** Email address is removed for privacy *** as an alias, mail sent to cmx will really go to cm. Correct?
  2. How many different email address I can have with my Office 365 account?
  3. How many aliases can I have for each email address?

If I am way off base on all of this, please set me straight.

Hello Cynthia_Moore

Hi, I'm Karl, an independent advisor and will try to help you with this.

Just as FYI, any email addresses included in a post are filtered for security purposes so no one can see what you entered. If you want to enter an email address either add a space before or after the @ sign (i.e. yourusename or use something like

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Last updated March 15, 2025 Views 25,566 Applies to: