A couple of years ago, we signed up for a family office 365 account (I think). We currently have 2 email addresses associated with that account. At the time, I believe I was told that we could have additional email addresses, but I can't remember the details. A quick search seemed to indicate that an Office 365 account allowed up to 25 different email addresses (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***, *** Email address is removed for privacy ***, etc...). But some answers also mentioned aliases. The Microsoft help was, to say it politely, muddled and more focused on marketing than information.
Can someone tell me
- What is the difference is between an email address and an alias? I assume an alias is another name for the same email address. So if my real email address is *** Email address is removed for privacy *** and I set up an *** Email address is removed for privacy *** as an alias, mail sent to cmx will really go to cm. Correct?
- How many different email address I can have with my Office 365 account?
- How many aliases can I have for each email address?
If I am way off base on all of this, please set me straight.