AOL requires generated passwords for various devices and i have had success setting up AOL E-Mail on my I-Pad Pro (3rd generation) and my Samsung S-20+ phone. However, on my Dell XPS Model #9510 with Microsoft 365 and my older Lenovo computer it appears to be one HOT MESS of frustration to set up an Outlook E-Mail account!!!!!
The “NEW OUTLOOK” Mail app setup normally defaults to setting it up through Yahoo [Who uses Yahoo nowadays?]. Sure, it gives you other options and the best seems to be “ADVANCED SETTUP” , but it doesn’t seem to want to cooperate with my laptops !!!!!
Maybe i am formatting something wrong, however, could someone PLEASE give me STEP BY STEP instructions on how to set up E-Mail in the “NEW” OUTLOOK for mail app for Verizon/AOL e-mail?
Please include steps from Generating a Password in AOL to Advanced Set-Up (including ongoing and outgoing protocols, server ports,etc.)
Geez, why make it so hard for the average user to set things up [like, why should you need an iq over 200 to do anything nowadays…..!!!!!!]
Any great suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated!