How do you set up a Verizon/AOL E-Mail Account In the “NEW” Outlook E-Mail for Windows Computers

AOL requires generated passwords for various devices and i have had success setting up AOL E-Mail on my I-Pad Pro (3rd generation) and my Samsung S-20+ phone. However, on my Dell XPS Model #9510 with Microsoft 365 and my older Lenovo computer it appears to be one HOT MESS of frustration to set up an Outlook E-Mail account!!!!!

The “NEW OUTLOOK” Mail app setup normally defaults to setting it up through Yahoo [Who uses Yahoo nowadays?]. Sure, it gives you other options and the best seems to be “ADVANCED SETTUP” , but it doesn’t seem to want to cooperate with my laptops !!!!!

Maybe i am formatting something wrong, however, could someone PLEASE give me STEP BY STEP instructions on how to set up E-Mail in the “NEW” OUTLOOK for mail app for Verizon/AOL e-mail?

Please include steps from Generating a Password in AOL to Advanced Set-Up (including ongoing and outgoing protocols, server ports,etc.)

Geez, why make it so hard for the average user to set things up [like, why should you need an iq over 200 to do anything nowadays…..!!!!!!]

Any great suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated!


Dear BgRdWlf31


Thank you for posting to Microsoft Community


Based on your description, I understand that you are trying to configure your AOL email in New Outlook. If my understanding is incorrect, please let me know.


From what you described, the application you want to use seems to be the Mail and Calendar app that comes with Windows. I'm sorry to inform you that Microsoft has discontinued support for this application, so it is no longer functioning properly.



If you want to use New Outlook, please download the New Outlook application from the Microsoft Store.

Outlook for Windows - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store



This reply may not directly address your issue, so feel free to let me know how it goes any time by repling below.


I look forward to hearing from you!

Carmid.L-MSFT | Microsoft Community Support Specialist

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Your answer does not address the problem at all! I already have the most recent version of Office 365 with Co-Pilot (and obviously, the most recent version of Outlook that is in included in that version of Mixrosoft 365).

I am already (painfully!) well aware that Microsoft discontinued the mail and calendar app for whatever inane reason (thereby making Microsoft computer users life more difficult!)

Also, I am aware that the new Outlook defaults to using Yahoo [which many users do not use!!]

I know that other e-mail addresses are possible in the NEW Outlook under Advanced Setup .However, being that AOL / requires a password for each device (first) and then in Advanced Setup server addresses , port numbers,etc ... . that info has to inputted and ..... somewhere along the way I am screwing up a step!

As I stated in my query, I had no problem setting up and receiving MAIL on my iPad Pro and Samsung Galaxy phone. The problem only exists on my Windows Dell computer!

That is why I asked for a very detailed step list so I can see what I have put in incorrectly!

Shame on VERIZON/AOL and MICROSOFT for making things so complicated!

[And they wonder why many are switching to APPLE computers!!!! At least Apple doesn't go out of its way to make users computer experiences so darned difficult!!!]

Anyway, if you have the time, please give me a detailed step by step all inclusive list to set up mail ...

Thank You.

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Last updated March 17, 2025 Views 80 Applies to: