Email format corrupted on reply

I'm using Outlook for Windows to access my Office365 Business Account.

Some emails I respond to end up with the formatting corrupted turning on the Paragraph formatting.

There is no rhyme or reason to this. It doesn't happen with my Hotmail account managed in the same Outlook client. It doesn't happen with my gmail accounts managed in Outlook - only in my Windows desktop version.

Almost every email I respond to is a productivity killer. The first character I type inserts the Paragraph formatting, then I have to delete, go back to Format Text and turn it off.

Has anyone else encountered this?

any thoughts would be appreciated!

Hi Jim,

Hope you are doing good and welcome to post here.

From your description, seems the paragraph mark had been enabled since we can see a square around it, can we know if it's enabled automatically when you create a new message please?

As we had test it on our side with the Outlook version 2112 (Build 14.729.20260 Click - to -Run), and our Microsoft 365 Subscription is E5, we didn't get the same phenomenon there. In our side, it's disabled by default, so can we know the details of your Microsoft 365 subscription and Outlook version please? It's important to help us to troubleshoot this issue.

Meanwhile, we'd like to suggest you use the hotkey: Ctrl + Shift + 8 (it's Ctrl + * ) to show or hide paragraph mark.

Please do take care.



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Here's the screenshot with all the versions:

What's strange is that I don't have that problem with the Hotmail and Gmail accounts I use this Outlook Client for, only with my Office365 Business account. And it's not every email I reply to.

And it's not an issue with the account in my Android Outlook Client.

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Dear Jim,

Thanks for your update.

From your information, we knew you are using the latest version of Outlook client. Please do keep monitoring the Office version update.

Meanwhile, you can use that hotkey as the workaround since it doesn't always happen.

Otherwise, please check out the information as follows:

1, May we know if there is any different in the content between the normal and abnormal messages please? Please also upload some screenshots for us to check it further?

2, Since the Outlook client uses the Editor engine of Word, suppose there is same phenomenon in your Office365 business account associated Word application, could you please double confirm it either?

Your time is appreciated.



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Question Info

Last updated October 5, 2023 Views 61 Applies to: