When entering or duplicating a meeting on an Android device connected to Microsoft Office 365 the meeting is displayed correctly on the Android device and in Outlook on the laptop.
However, two invitations are sent to the recipients including the resources.
The two meetings created in the recipients's calendar are slightly different: One contains the message "the time zone has been changed", the other one does not.
The two invitations are slightly different, too. One contains date and time in the body, the other does not AND
one contains the string X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AVStamp-Service: 1.0 and the other one does not.
This happens every time I enter a meeting.
I stopped synchronization for meetings and mails and in my opinion both invitations are created by the Office 365 server, not by the client. When only synchronizing meetings the meeting was transferred to the Office 365 server, both invitations were visible in Outlook on the laptop but not on the Android device.
This happens with any calender app on the Android App except for Outlook.
This does not happen when I enter a meeting for another account like Gmail.
Any help is greatly appreciated.