Watch movies purchased on Xbox on my iPhone?

Well I've built a decent collection of movies on my Xbox. Recently I've been traveling a lot and would like to keep my entire collection on one store. Since I already have a lot on the Xbox store, it would be nice to use that as my store. 

The problem is I can't figure out how to watch these movies on my iPhone. Google search comes up with vague results. 

Can anyone help me? What do I need to do? Is it even possible?

It clearly states "watch movies on all of your devices".

If they don't support the most popular phone, how can they make that claim? So they have to support it right?

Should I just start my switch to iTunes or Amazon since they support a broader range of devices and operating systems?

Unfortunately, at this time it's not possible to watch movies purchased from the Microsoft Store/Xbox Video/Microsoft Movies & TV on iOS and Android devices.

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Is this feature coming in the near future? Is it even on the cards?

It's the one thing holding me back from buying movies from the Xbox store. I've bought a few but would buy a lot more if I knew I'd be able to watch on my iPad or iPhone (neither of which I plan on giving up any time soon!).

Think you are missing a trick here Microsoft!

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No announcements have been made regarding future availability for iOS and Android apps.

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No announcements have been made regarding future availability for iOS and Android apps.
So basically, MS is going to lose ground on digital purchases the same way iTunes lost ground once the UV standard was adopted by other VOD providers such as Vudu, Flixster, Google, etc.  This stance by MS is what keeps me from buying movies through my Xbox One.  Especially when I can install Vudu on my iPhone, Xbox One, and android devices.   I would say, if I could view the movies I purchased from MS on any device, I would be more apt to do so because it would be much easier to use my xbox to find and buy the movie.

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Use vudu. They have apps on all devices from iOS, to android and FireOS along with xbox one and PS apps

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Question Info

Last updated February 20, 2025 Views 60,196 Applies to: