Microsoft Teams incoming video fails

I am helping a student who is participating in her class virtually.  They use Microsoft Teams.  I also have three other students doing the same thing.  They all have separate, identical devices, all set up by the district, so there should be no difference in their hardware or software.  All are within 10 feet of our Mesh Router System and all are using the same internet stream.  This one student has, within the last week, had a recurring issue wherein her incoming Video feed - from her teacher and all other students - drops mid-session.  Her camera feed remains stable to them.  There is no sound issue.  All we see are the avatars or initial plates for the other participants. 

This happens consistently.  I have tried: 


What we tried to fix the issues:

Leaving the meeting and restarting
Leaving the meeting, closing and restarting TEAMS
All of the above plus restarting the tablet.
Switching to another device (my personal MacBook Pro, a loaner Dell Laptop from the school, and her personal Chromebook) to confirm the issue wasn’t confined to the tablet.
Checking for updates to the TEAMS software and installing those.  

Checking for updates to the Tablet’s operating system and installing those.

We have tried disconnecting and reconnecting to the internet. 

Nothing is working and the situation is getting worse by the day.  The disruptions are more frequent, etc.  I've reached out to our IT support at school and they are stumped. 

I need help. 


My name is Daniel. I am an Independent Advisor.

Please make sure you disable VPN/Proxy, firewall (if any).

If the problem keeps persists I suggest you ask them to use MS Teams online and see if it helps.

Please follow these steps below:
1. Please go to your computer then open your chrome or edge browser as recommended browsers to access MS Teams online.
2. Please go to MS Teams online
3. Then try to log in.
4. Go check if they can see the incoming video.

Please note, this is a peer-to-peer support forum meaning I'm just fellow regular MS Team forum users like you who are trying to help other MS Team forum users with their MS Team issue. So in this case, I'm Non-Microsoft Staff I don't have access to your account nor I'm authorized to do so. I hope we can have a mutual understanding from the beginning to prevent misunderstanding.

Kind Regards
I'm an independent advisor. I'm not a Microsoft staff.

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Thanks Daniel.  Because this is a Public School System in the US, they will not allow us to disable the VPN/Proxy due to safety concerns.  We did have an issue when this first began in which we would get an alert that she was logged on on another device, but she wasn't.  Could it be she was hacked?

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Not sure she has been hacked or not since as a community advisor I don't have access to users' accounts so I can't investigate the issue furterhmore.

Having said that, using VPN/Proxy with MS Team can be problematic I suggest disabling it for a while and see if it helps.
I'm an independent advisor. I'm not a Microsoft staff.

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Thank you so much - I will definitely pass that along!  

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If you don't have more questions feel free to choose a rating and have a great day.

Kind Regards,
I'm an independent advisor. I'm not a Microsoft staff.

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I'm an independent advisor. I'm not a Microsoft staff.

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Question Info

Last updated November 9, 2021 Views 118 Applies to: