How does Teams Policy for "Invited users only" work?

From MS Article ( it says:

Invited users only

Only invited users and meeting organizers can join the meeting directly without waiting in the lobby. Everyone else, including authenticated users within the organization, guests, users from trusted organizations, and anonymous users must wait in the lobby. On the Teams client meeting options page, it appears as "People I invite". Users added as a part of a distribution group will have to go through the lobby.

So my question is, how does it know to bypass invited user through the lobby? Do they have to sign-in? If they have to sign-in, do they have to have an Azure account in the tenant if they don't have their own Teams?

Hello. My name is Abdullah, I will try my best to assist you with your issue so that you find a satisfactory solution.

Only meeting organizers can join the meeting directly without waiting in the lobby. Everyone else, including authenticated users within the organization, guests, users from trusted organizations, and anonymous users must wait in the lobby. On the Teams client meeting options page, it appears as "Only me. Please check the article below about it:

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Hello. My name is Abdullah, I will try my best to assist you with your issue so that you find a satisfactory solution.

Only meeting organizers can join the meeting directly without waiting in the lobby. Everyone else, including authenticated users within the organization, guests, users from trusted organizations, and anonymous users must wait in the lobby. On the Teams client meeting options page, it appears as "Only me. Please check the article below about it:

Please let me know if the above article helped you. Thank you.


Thanks so if user is invited, what if they are a gmail or yahoo person. How will Teams meeting know if they are an invited user? Do they have to sign in?

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You can join a Teams meeting anytime, from any device, whether or not you have a Teams account.
Article 1:

Guest setup in Teams:
Article 2:

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You can join a Teams meeting anytime, from any device, whether or not you have a Teams account.
Article 1:

Guest setup in Teams:
Article 2:

Thank you.

thanks so if you join the meeting without a teams account, how does policy know to let you bypass the lobby if you're part of the "People I invite" the organizer sent the meeting to?

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Yes, that depends on the settings that the organizer has set, please check the thread below about it:

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Yes, that depends on the settings that the organizer has set, please check the thread below about it:

Thank you.

But the person needs to sign in to bypass lobby correct?

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I don't think that is needed. It is not compulsory to have the Teams account.

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I don't think that is needed. It is not compulsory to have the Teams account.

So if "Invited users only" is the option set, then how does the meeting know to bypass lobby for users who join who are not signed in? This is not documented or spelled out anywhere from the roadmap item to the current docs.

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Please check the video below to see how to let everyone including the guests bypass the lobby:

Note: This is a non-Microsoft website. The page appears to be providing accurate, safe information. Watch out for ads on the site that may advertise products frequently classified as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Products). Thoroughly research any product advertised on the site before you decide to download and install it.

Thank you.

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Last updated November 30, 2024 Views 2,995 Applies to: