Hi all,
we are planning an online-event: a small conference. For this event we are hosting a Teams webinar in which the presenters will present in sequence.
We thought of using break-out rooms on a per-presentation basis, i.e. for each talk we would create a break-out room in which extended discussions can talk place (mainly via the chat of the break-out room).
For this plan to work out, we would need the ability for our participants to freely move between all break-out room, respectively see all break-out rooms in their chats-panel of the Teams app.
Would this be possible?
As far as I understand the break-out room feature, it is mutually exclusive, i.e., if a participant is assigned to Room A, then the participant can't also be in Room B.
Would there be an alternative solution for this, i.e. one without using break-out rooms at all?
Best regards, Gerhard