Outlook 365 emails I send are suddenly going into regular recipients Junk folder

Very recently every email I send using Outlook 365 goes to the recipient's junk mail folder, INCLUDING clients I have emailed regularly for many years. Incoming emails work as per normal, it's just anything I send myself. I have tried removing all images and links from my outgoing email and even reinstalled Office, but the issue remains.

It is making my life very difficult. Any suggestions on why this is happening and how to fix?

Please don't come back with the generic response, telling me to ask my clients to mark my messages as safe, as they will obviously not get that message to start with and I have been emailing them for years, so there is no reason why they would think to look in their junk folder for messages from me either.

Hi MissionControlHQ,

My name is Pedro. I'm an Independent Advisor trying to help.

Maybe your public IP was listed on a blacklist, use the following website to check that out.


Note: This is a non-Microsoft website. The page appears to be providing accurate, safe information. Watch out for ads on the site that may advertise products frequently classified as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Products). Thoroughly research any product advertised on the site before you decide to download and install it.


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Hi MissionControlHQ,

If you use Office 365 managed domain email address, please check your DNS records - sign in with admin credentials to https://portal.office.com/ > Setup> Domains> The domain in question> Check DNS.

If you have the status Setup in progress for the domain, please finish it. For more information about the steps, please refer to the article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/admin/setup/add-domain?view=o365-worldwide

For the further troubleshooting, please send me the information about your Office 365 subscription. Do you Business or Enterprise plan? Is the email address in question Office 365 managed domain, onmicrosoft.com, Outlook.com or a third party?

Also, it would be very useful if you could provide me with one mail header from your message finished in recipients Junk folder. To collect the header recipient should double-click to open the message (in Outlook desktop client), click on File> Properties and copy the Internet header. To protect your privacy, please send the header as a reply on Private message i sent you.

Best regards,


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Hello Nemanja and Pedro,

Pedro, I am not sending out bulk emails or anything, so I don't see how I could get blacklisted. I am worried about using such I.P. integrity sites, as I have heard they always come back with one or two saying you are blacklisted, then you have to go to the apparent blacklist registry and pay to get whitelisted, i.e. they are scam sites set up just to con you.


I don't use Office 365 managed domain, just the domain my website uses. Only have Office 365 Home, as just running a very small business from home. My domain is with crazydomains and my website and email is hosted by Hostnine. I have replied to your private message and copy and pasted a header from an email that a recipient forwarded to me as having landed in their junk folder, hope this helps.

Thank you both,


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Hi Michelle,

Since you don't use Office 365 managed domain email address we cant help you too troubleshoot the case. The best place to address your concerns should be your DNS provider. With the offered information, my understanding is that it might be something wrong with your DNS records. So please, contact your DNS provider and ask for help in configuring the records.

Thanks for your understanding,


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Hi Nemanja,

We have two computers on my small office and they share the same I.P. My daughter also plays games on one of them and a virus check has found a proxy changer Trojan on it. Even though that computer is not the one I use for emails, it does have one of the installations of Office 365 Home on it. Is it possible that this Trojan has somehow gotten our I.P. blacklisted?

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Hi Michelle, 

Since you don't use Office 365 domain, and this couldn't be related to Outlook desktop client (if you send a message form web mail, it will still go to junk) there is not much left for us to troubleshoot.

I can just say that from my personal experience, this should be related to someone's action of blacklisting your email address or domain. These are the most common cases. I cant say that this is not related to a virus or some kind of malware, but the best chances are that its domain or email related. If you want to check your IP health, you could try to search the web for a services which could help you to check it. 

Once again, sorry but this category is for troubleshooting Office 365 related issues so the best option for the further troubleshooting would be to contact your DNS provider or Host.

Best regards,


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Question Info

Last updated January 27, 2024 Views 51 Applies to: