Outlook is mixing up recent people contact information

Anybody having any issues with Outlook mixing up the name and email address in your Recent People list when writing an email?

I am only having this issue with one contact.  When I type in his name, another person's name shows up, but with the email address of the person I am trying to email (see attached).  Both of these people are in my organization.

I have already tried clicking the "X" next to that person's name in the Recent People list in an attempt to get it to clear it's history on that person.  But it comes back again when I write the next email.

I have checked my contact cards and there is not conflict in either of these people's contact information.


Yes, you are the second person who reported this.

Which version and build of Outlook are you using? See File, Office Account for the information and include the text following the version/build number.
Diane Poremsky
M365 MVP, specializing in Outlook, Exchange, and Microsoft 365 apps.

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BTW, you should probably delete the screenshot since it contains personal information.
Diane Poremsky
M365 MVP, specializing in Outlook, Exchange, and Microsoft 365 apps.

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Version 1805 (Build 9330.2124 Click-to-Run)


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hi guys

I am also using Outlook version (office suite version)

Version 1805 (Build 9330.2124 Click-to-Run) monthly channel

I have something else weird happening and i cannot find any information on the internet for my issue.

- In outlook when people reply-to-all and there are more than one recipient, all the recipients are removed except the main person you are emailing. Even when you try manually add the people again to the To field or CC field....as soon as you have finnished typing their name and press enter, the name disappears again

- Also, in outlook when you have managed to send a reply-to-all (and the above doesn't happen) and it shows in your sent email....when you look at the sent email...all recipients are removed (so basically you land up sending an email to a whole bunch of people but those people you sent to are removed in that sent email, so at a later date if you search for an email, you have no idea you sent to people because all the names have been removed)

This is a big compliance issue for us.

This issue is ad-hoc and doesn't always happen on every email a user replies to./

Steps i have tried to do to fix the issue

- I re-created the users outlook profile via control panel > mail icon (this doesn't fix the issue)

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Anybody here?   This is a continuing issue for us.

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hi guys

I am also using Outlook version (office suite version)

Version 1805 (Build 9330.2124 Click-to-Run) monthly channel

I have something else weird happening and i cannot find any information on the internet for my issue.

- In outlook when people reply-to-all and there are more than one recipient, all the recipients are removed except the main person you are emailing. Even when you try manually add the people again to the To field or CC field....as soon as you have finnished typing their name and press enter, the name disappears again

- Also, in outlook when you have managed to send a reply-to-all (and the above doesn't happen) and it shows in your sent email....when you look at the sent email...all recipients are removed (so basically you land up sending an email to a whole bunch of people but those people you sent to are removed in that sent email, so at a later date if you search for an email, you have no idea you sent to people because all the names have been removed)

This is a big compliance issue for us.

This issue is ad-hoc and doesn't always happen on every email a user replies to./

Steps i have tried to do to fix the issue

- I re-created the users outlook profile via control panel > mail icon (this doesn't fix the issue)

What i have also found with further testing is

- If you click on To and select a name from your GAL and then click ok....the recipient is removed from the To entry automatically

- If you then enter a GAL entry manually instead of picking it from the GAL...the recipient name STAY in the TO field

I had a check on the GAL and there are no errors in eventlogs or for user in outlook. the right users and groups are showing in the GAL

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Question Info

Last updated April 10, 2023 Views 256 Applies to: