Office 365 Connector and qmail


I want to maintain my qmail systemn and acuire O365 licenses, however both system has to share the same domain name.

I checked technet and have seen that it's possible thru Connector, but from qmail side, i don't relally understand what we should do as I can't find the concept of Connector on qmail. Should I just configure an SMTP relay on qmail as O365, BTW, technet mentioned "Smart Host" but it's not very clear what is it ?

Thanks for your help


Hi BBS Solutions,

If you want to route emails between Office 365 SMTP and qmail servers, you can set up the Connector or use simple domain sharing to achieve it.

Since you haven't found any concepts of Connector on qmail, we suggest you contact qmail support for further assistance.

If you want to configure an SMTP relay on qmail as Office 365 to achieve your requirement, the answer is no.

Thanks for your understanding.

Best Regards,

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Last updated May 11, 2024 Views 964 Applies to: