I am trying to install MS Office Pro 2003 on a new Windows 10 laptop. I have the cd's and product key. However, I do not have a CD drive on the laptop and have read on various articles to copy the Office 2003 CD to a thumb drive, insert the thumb drive, go to Explore, and on setup.exe right mouse and Run As Administrator. I have tried this multiple times with different thumb drives. Also tried the setup.exe direction from the thumb drive or copy/pasted onto C: or C:/Program Files and none of those work. I keep getting the error message of "Microsoft office setup cannot continue because the installation source has been corrupted"
I have even tried this with Visio Pro 2003 and the same get the same error message. Any ideas other than find an external CDROM to plug in or upgrade to a new version of Office?
I've installed this on my Windows 10 desktop that had a CD rom and it worked fine.
Thanks for the help!