I develop my code with Office 2016 but this regards Office 365 Business users since the last update this week.
Hi this is a general question about 'sudden' issues some users are running into after the latest Office 365 update. The reason
I know it's due to this is because one of the people I wrote an Excel application was using it yesterday without problems and her PC was updated early this morning and it no longer works.
It happens when the shell command is run that I use to list a number of files to a temporary file written to the user's temp folder:

If FileExists(Environ$("TEMP") & "\tempfilelist.lst") = True Then Kill Environ$("TEMP") & "\tempfilelist.lst"
Call Shell("cmd /C dir """ & Replace(tPath & "\" & tName, "\\", "\") & """ /B > " & Environ$("TEMP") & "\tempfilelist.lst", vbMinimizedNoFocus)
You can rest assured that the variables are all correct and when I run it directly from the command prompt no problem but in
the VBA code if fails
The first line KILL works, the file is removed, but the Call Shell line throws the error
The Error message is Error 5 invalid procedure or invalid argument (freely translated from the Dutch message box
Apart from that, but of course not everything can be tested now it seems it runs Okay,
Have any of you encountered problems since let's say a week or two?
I asked their network engineer to look at it and he noticed that the Office updates started March 29 and it was just her system
that was updated this morning
I'm very curious and worried, I did not read anything on any blog or site about Office 365 modifications to the good old MS-DOS
Will need to write an alternative code for it.
I hope it's a glitch and some goofed update which will need a repair, if so, this is really a serious lack of persons testing an update before publishing