Why am I seeing other users' files in my account? THIS IS A BIG SECURITY PROBLEM!!!

After logging into Office.com, I am presented with a list of "Recently Accessed Files" that are not mine.

They are not on my Skydrive, yet I can open them!





The links to files are:










Thank you for contacting Microsoft community and I will be glad to assist you with your user files concern.


I would need more information to provide you better solutions


1)  Where are the files located?


2)  Are the files saved in any shared location?


The files may show up if they are shared and appropriate permissions are provided to access the files.


Verify if you are able to browse to the location and access the file from Windows Explorer/ Internet Explorer.


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The only thing I can add is this.

They are showing up in my Recent Documents when I logon to office.com. Although i had never seen them before.

I could post a screenshot, but this forum does not allow it.

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I find this a VERY interesting issue.  I've been lurking. I've looked at the files, but I'd be more interested in seeing what you see, and seeing how what access rights / security restrictions have been defined on the files.

Yes you can post screen captures, they just don't make it easy for some reason.

Or you can put the cap in a document and load the document to a file share site and provide us with a link to view the file:

Posting Images / screen captures / using IE and Skydrive – File Share


(I suggest you use Skydrive so MS is paying for the space rather than some other free site)

·       Capture the image using a screen capture tool

·       Save to your HD. I know BMP works, I don’t know about other formats

·       Upload the image file to a file sharing site, like skydrive: https://login.live.com/login.srf?wa=wsignin1.0&rpsnv=11&ct=1326066082&rver=6.1.6206.0&wp=MBI_SSL_SHARED&wreply=https:%2F%2Fskydrive.live.com%2F&lc=4105&id=250206&mkt=en-CA&cbcxt=sky

·       In skydrive click on the Public folder

·       Click on “Add Files” (at top of window)

·       Drag the file from Windows Explorer into the target box displayed by Skydrive

·       Click on the check box beside the file name

·       Click on “View Original” (on right side of window) to open the image in a new browser window/tab

·       In IE, we can right-click on the image and click on Copy

·       In Firefox,  use <ctl><A> (to select all), then <ctl><C>  (to copy it 

·       Click on the forum input box to make it active

·       <CTL><V> to paste the image into it

·       Give it a few seconds to upload the image

(HEY Site Owners: this process is insanely complex! LET US PASTE images directly into the input fields! Like we could before the app was “improved’ <heavy sarcasm>  last year)


Posting using Metrofied Skydrive File Share

·        If you have a predefined PUBLIC folder use it for sharing. That way you know which files are out there for others to see.  If not create a new folder.

·        Beside the "Sort by:" drop down there are 3 icons: Details View, Thumbnail View and Details pane.  I prefer to work in the details view.

·        On the top "menu" there is a "Create" button, select "folder" and name it.

·        Click on the folder name to enter the folder

·        On the top menu bar there is an "Upload" button. Find the file and click on it. It will take several seconds to upload the file. 

·        Single clik on the checkmark box, or right click on the file name

·        click on the share option

·        you should see a new dialog with 3 options on the left side. Choose "Get a Link".

·        In the right side of the pane you will have 3 options: "View Only", "View and Edit" and "Public".

·        click on the button under the appropriate choice

·        copy the generated link

·        click on done to close the dialog

·        Paste the link in here or where ever it is needed.

MS SkyDrive: Your ultimate starter's guide


As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers –
so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people.
Prof. Doug Fisher

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I put this file in my Public Skydrive directory. Let me know if you can('t) view the image.




The two Word documents are NOT mine.

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While I can appreciate your alarm as well as your passion, the above statement is not necessarily true. If those Word documents are shared and available to the General Public, then yes... you and anyone else with a computer can see those Word documents. If your own Excel workbooks are not shared to the General Public, then no one can see your Excel workbooks. Finally, that is a list of recently opened documents, not a folder that is shared with the General Public.

If two security measures overlap, the strongest security is the one that takes precedence, not the weakest.

Once thing you haven't mentioned is whether you have actually opened those files at some time or if they simply appeared in your Recent Documents listing on their own accord. If you have recently opened those Word document, then yes... they belong as list entries in a list of recently opened documents.

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I have NEVER opened those documents, therefore, they should not be in my Recently Used files list.

There is a bug on this web site that needs to be fixed. This would be a great way to spread viruses!

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Question Info

Last updated June 19, 2024 Views 10,424 Applies to: