Word found unreadable content in......URGENT HELP PLEASE

hi all,

Please can you help me. I have a university project, and my assignment is not opening. I am using Office365, and cannot open or repair this document.

I have tried some of the suggested Microsoft options - such as "open and Repair" and these are all not working.

Please help, I am desperate to get this open...





If the document was saved to OneDrive or into a folder that is synchronized with OneDrive, right click on the file in OneDrive and then on Version History and see if you can open an earlier version of the file.

Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - MVP Office Apps & Services (Word)
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Hello Jade,

Thank you for posting to community forum.

According to a description you are facing an issue with a unreadable content in a Word document. In this case I can suggest you the following actions:

At first, please make sure you have enough of disk space on your device.

  • Make sure this file isn’t blocked. Right-click the problematic Word file and select "Property". On the General tab, click "Unblock" and select "OK".

  • Try launching your Word app in safe mode. Here is a link on how to do it. Doing so should help us in determining if this is an add-in-related issue. 

  • Use "Recover Text from Any File" Function. Navigate to File tab > OpenBrowse > On the Microsoft Open window, select the unreadable word files and choose Recover Text from Any File from the drop-down menu.

  • Use "Open and Repair" Function. in FileOpen > Browse. Choose the damaged file in the new window. Click the small triangle arrow icon > Choose Open and Repair.

  • You can go to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Protected View and uncheck the box for "Enable Protected View for file originating from the Internet"

You may also check this article for more troubleshooting steps How to troubleshoot damaged documents in Word - Office | Microsoft Docs

If none of it helped to solve an issue, please share some additional information:

  1. What version of Word do you use? You can find this information on File > Account tab. Please take a screenshot and post here (mask the private information)

  2. Is this document stored on your local device or in the cloud service?

We know that initial suggestions may not always fix the problem, but we can work together to find a proper solution. Thank you for understanding.

Best Regards,


• Beware of Scammers posting fake Support Numbers here.
• Please let us know if this is helpful and if the solution worked for you, as it can benefit others who are facing the same scenario.

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Question Info

Last updated March 18, 2025 Views 101,217 Applies to: