March 10, 2025
HansV MVP - Ashish Mathur - Andreas Killer - Bob Jones AKA: CyberTaz - Jeovany CV ✅
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why is this formula not working? every time I input this in excel the amount is always zero
=SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(109, OFFSET(N12:N1048576, ROW(N12:N1048576)-ROW(N12), 0, 1)), (L12:L1048576="BDO")*(M12:M1048576="3.00%"))
Does column M really contain text values that look like percentages?
If M contains percentages as numbers, change the formula to
=SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(109, OFFSET(N12:N1048576, ROW(N12:N1048576)-ROW(N12), 0, 1)), (L12:L1048576="BDO")*(M12:M1048576=3%))
Remark: this formula will cause calculations to be slow. It'd be better to use more limited ranges if possible.
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