Whenever I format a document in Word, Publisher or Excel (Office 2016) the document "freezes" and the message "cannot proceed as this is a unlicensed product" shows. Then I must close the unsaved document.  WHAT IS MY ALTERNATIVE, as I must re type the entire document.?

Nell Truitt - Ardmore, OK


Sorry for the inconvenience caused by the problem, from your description, it seems that Office is not activated, if you have purchased a product, please try the steps in this page to troubleshoot: Unlicensed Product and activation errors in Office

Also, if your previous subscription or trial plan has expired, you could try the free product Office for the web(not including Publisher) to edit files. 

If we misunderstand your meaning or you met any problem when activating, please tell us the platform you are using, Windows or Mac? We will help you narrow down the issue cause first, and it would be good if you could share a screenshot of the product information page as well as the error message. (For Mac, please click Word->About Microsoft Word; for Windows, please click File->Account)

Best regards,


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Hi Joyce,

Have you received the previous message?

If you need further assistance or have any experience to share, please feel free to post back.



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My Office products do not allow me to complete a paper and save due to the window popping up to state: Unlicensed Product - this file will close. And it does close and I have lost all my typed information to keep and send.


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Joyce, signing into your Office 2016 Account usually does the trick.  Try signing into your Office Account at: https://www.office.com/Myaccount You need to sign in with the same email address and password for the Microsoft Account that you used when you first setup your Office 2016.

PS: you should not have to retype the whole document because I am sure that you save it as you type frequently!!!

Microsoft Office Professional 2021
Microsoft Office Home and Business 2019
Microsoft Office Home and Business 2013
Microsoft Office Professional 2003
Windows 10 Professional
HP ProBook 470 G4

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Hi Joyce, that problem appears because the Office suite is not activated. To solve the problem, we need an account with the right license to activate. If you meet any problem when activating, at least, please tell us what platform you are using, Mac or Windows, to let us help you narrow down the issue cause.



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Hi Joyce, that problem appears because the Office suite is not activated. To solve the problem, we need an account with the right license to activate. If you meet any problem when activating, at least, please tell us what platform you are using, Mac or Windows, to let us help you narrow down the issue cause.



Whenever I downloaded Microsoft Office Professional 2016, I used the key code, and it has worked on all my products contained in that download until a few weeks ago.

Also installed is Office Home and Student 2013

Also installed is Office Product version 16.0.4026.1001

My problem is not fixed.

Thank you for help.

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Question Info

Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 439 Applies to: