Split from this thread.
I'm with Tiffany on this. The new look is awful. It happened to my computer overnight and I just spent 10 minutes swearing at it. Yellow highlights on flagged messages - yuk, large spacing between rows makes them hard to follow with your eyes and the font seems to have changed to something harder to read (the "use tighter spacing" button helps but it's still hard to read and it doesn't fix the folder list). There are now symbols that we have to learn what they mean because they have replace good old reliable and less space consuming actual WORDS (reply, forward, reply all). It's difficult to post screenshots of Outlook without disclosing personal information.
Tiffany asked if there is a way to revert to the previous version. I would also like an answer to that question please and how to stop it automatically updating. I want to make an informed decision whether or not to update application software on my PC and not have it forced upon me.
Thank you.