Hi guys,
We have had a user run around all over the company, going from branch to branch, and registered himself on multiple devices with his Microsoft 365 account. The problem now is that he has hit his five device limit and cannot register himself onto his new replacement notebook.
How do I remove the link between a Microsoft account and a device?
When I look under https://myaccount.microsoft.com/device-list I can see five registered devices and that two are Inactive, and have been so for 4 months.
I'm trying to set up his new replacement notebook and I get error code 80192EE7, which a quick internet search says it means he has hit his device limit, which corresponds with what I'm seeing:
Unfortunately I can't seem to see where I can centrally "unlink" these devices from his login. I get the option of "Disable lost device", but I don't want to disable it, and it warns that it will lock out anyone else from the company from using that device, so that isn't appropriate.
Thoughts on how to fix this?
(How does a company that Hotdesk survive this?)