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Powerpoint for Mac: Play video over multiple slides?
Desc: I'm using Powerpoint 365 for Mac (OS 10.15.7) and trying to play video across multiple slides in a PPT. I've looked at multiple online tutorials and tried to follow them. When I try to set Animations-->Media Options on the video to end past a single
slide, I get a little yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in it. And the video ends after a single slide. Does anyone know if this works on PPT 365 for Mac and if so how to do it? Are there key steps that I'm missing here? Thanks.
To report a bug, please click on the "person with speech bubble" icon in the upper right corner of the program window. Choose
I don't like something, then describe the problem in detail. Submitting sends the report to the Mac programming team.
Author of "OOXML Hacking - Unlocking Microsoft Office's Secrets", ebook now out John Korchok, Production Manager production@brandwares.com
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