So I know I am not the only one with this problem.
I was working on a notebook page with a lot of information for a few days now. A few moments ago I was editing it on my phone were I was taking all my notes. I tryed logging in with the same account "I only have one account I use" on my pc's browser to see my notes. And just like that I now cant acess the notebook I was working on. On my phone and on my account the notebook is still there but If I try to acess it on the pc browser a 404 error pops, If I try to open it on the phone (were I had it oppened just a few moments ago) the message "Sorry, we couldnt open the notes that you were looking for. They may have been deleted or moved, or you may not have permission to open them. " pops up.
I know I didnt delete the note neither have moved it. I also am using the same account were I was editing it. The note gotta be inside my phone some were but I cant acess the app data.
please help this was important work that seem to have lost