"More Colors" CMYK swatches added: Why do they default to a different CMYK build after applying?
I have Office mac 2011 Word, which allows you to create specific colors under More Colors with CMYK sliders and add them to the swatch bar. However, when applying these colors, they default to a similar but different CMYK build. 1) Create new CMYK swatch
and add to swatch bar. 2) Apply color to text or fill. 3) Click on text or fill to check the build under More Colors. 4) The CMYK sliders show that it is now a different build than what was created and correctly stored in the swatch bar. I have a logo with
two colors placed on a letterhead page. I created the colors in Word with the CMYK builds for those logo colors, but Word will not let them exist, and I don't know why. It defaults to similar, but different CMYK builds, causing them to print differently than
the logo colors. Help?
There are 2 issues here. The first is that the color model for all Office programs is RGB only. The OS X color picker used by Office 2011 displays other color models, but everything is translated to RGB in the actual document. You'll get better results by
speccing RGB from the start.
The second problem is that Yosemite and El Capitan versions of OS X have a color-managed color picker. It works great with Illustrator and PhotoShop, but not so great with non-color-managed apps like Word. The solution is to download and install an alternate
color picker that gives reliable RGB values. For more information, please see my article about this subject: Mac PowerPoint:
Accurate Colors
Author of "OOXML Hacking - Unlocking Microsoft Office's Secrets", ebook now out John Korchok, Production Manager production@brandwares.com
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