Microsoft Forms

I have a problem with forms. I have a lot of quizzes, but unfortunately I can't connect them to one spreadsheet. I decided to create flow using Power Automate and then to recreate forms and have spreadsheets in online Excel, but I can't create quiz using Forms to Excel function in my OneDrive.


Hi Alina Skakun,

As per your description, please don’t worry I will help you to create quiz using Forms to Excel.

As you mentioned, “but I can't create quiz using Forms to Excel function in my OneDrive.” the “Forms to Excel function” work in Microsoft form type not a quiz type.  May I know are you want to transfer you quiz form response data to Excel sheet? If yes, in this scenario you can use Microsoft Flow Automate to transfer your quiz response form data into Excel sheet, but you need to create same column in Excel sheet online to get set result. The below Flow is also record the quiz score as well .

See image below for your reference.


 Overall Flow:


Detail Flow:



Flow result:


I appreciate your understanding and stay safe!!

Best Regards

Waqas Muhammad

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Question Info

Last updated February 28, 2022 Views 38 Applies to: