It is certainly possible to add one document at a time into one master Word document using the Insert Object feature, but to do this for 755 or more documents, could take 13 to 26 hours if each document is added one at a time as the Insert Object feature allows only one document to be inserted at a time- CANNOT SELECT SEVERAL DOCUMENTS AND ADD THEM AS SOME ONLINE POSTINGS SHOW- if you can select all of them-please tell me how, after you have tried it yourself in Word 2016.
One cannot select a bunch of them and add them into one. I TRIED THIS WITH OFFICE 365 SUPPORT AS AN ADMIN- AND MS Support VIA WEB MEETING witnessed THE PROBLEM AND DID NOT HAVE A SOLUTION.
Though, I can combine all of them into a pdf document, and then convert that master document in pdf into word. Bu then again when there are so many documents how would one check if the conversions are all good with no formatting errors et al.
Is there no way to combine a bunch of word documents into one document, other than inserting one document at a time via the insert object and then selecting same from a folder?
Wonder if Word 2016, has a way of making a Word eBook from several hundred word documents?
Thank you for your interest and consideration to share a potential solution.