Excel VBA Combine all sheets into workbook into one sheet


I'm trying to figure out a way to combine all my sheets into one sheet. Each sheet is completely different to each other (headings don't match etc...), so I don't want to consolidate the data.

I'm looking to combine the data into one sheet by pages, so I can then print each sheet on separate pages. For example I have 50 sheets - Question1, Question2, Question3, Question4 ... , Question50.

I would like to combine all of these into a 'Master' sheet. I want 'Question1' on page 1 of 'Master', then 'Question2' on page 2 of 'Master', then 'Question3' on page 3 of 'Master'. Once each sheet has been added to 'Master', I would like to delete it, then move onto the next sheet to be added.

I'm unsure on how to add each sheet as a separate page in 'Master'. 


Hi Abdullah MSL

Try this macro, I tested on my side and works OK

The macro will do the following

1- Create a new sheet and name it "Master"

2- Loop thru all the sheets in the workbook, transfer their data to the master sheet by creating a new page brake for each of them on Master sheet

3- Delete the transferred sheet


Sub CombineSheetswithPageBrakes()

Dim MasterSh As Worksheet

Dim QSh As Worksheet

Dim break As String

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Set MasterSh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add

MasterSh.Name = "Master"

For Each QSh In ThisWorkbook.Sheets

    If QSh.Name <> "Master" Then

            With MasterSh

            ''' Find the Page Break address

            break = .UsedRange.Offset(MasterSh.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 2).Resize(1, 1).Address

            '' Inserting the new page break

            .HPageBreaks.Add Before:=.Range(break)

           End With

           '' Copy/Paste (Transfer) the values form the other sheets to Master sheet

            QSh.UsedRange.Copy MasterSh.UsedRange.Offset(MasterSh.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 2).Resize(1, 1)

            '' Delete the sheet after transfer it to master sheet


    End If

Next QSh


Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub


Do let me know if you need more help



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Jeovany CV

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Last updated February 17, 2025 Views 12,971 Applies to: