I have a large ws with information about contacts - address, phone, etc. One of the columns is birthdate, in the form 8/24/1986.
However, there are many blanks (eg Business without this info); and many with a date of the form 7/22/1900 - the 1900 is because I only know the month and day of birth, but not the year. Others have full day-month-year birthdates.
I would like to extract the known birthdays from the ws and sort them by month and day, ignoring the year. I tried a pivot table with calculated field (didn't work). Another solution was a formula in 2 cols of another ws:
for the birthday:
=IF(main!AC2="","",main!AC2) ;;and I formatted the cell as 01-Jan
and the next column for the first and last names as:
=IF(A2="","",CONCATENATE(main!A2," ",main!C2))
This partially works, but it sorts by the 'invisible year' of the date, yielding Jan - Dec cycles by year.
Any suggestions!
Thanks in advance