Excel IMAGE function cannot generate QR code with API

I used to create mass of qr codes by IMAGE function with API (google api), my function is:

=IMAGE("https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=200x200&&cht=qr&chl="& A2,,1)

But today, Excel cannot generate QR Code, it shows error: #CONNECT, i tried API of QR Server but still didn't work

Please help me



Thank you for posting in Microsoft Community.

The #CONNECT! error in Excel when using the IMAGE function to generate QR codes suggests that Excel is unable to connect to the specified URL to retrieve the image. This could be due to several reasons:

  • Network Issues: There might be network issues preventing Excel from accessing the API. This could be on your end (like a firewall or network policy blocking the connection), or on the server's end.

  • API Limitations: Some APIs have limitations on the number of requests that can be made within a certain timeframe. If you are generating a large number of QR codes, you may have hit a rate limit.

  • Invalid Data: Ensure that the data in cell A2 does not contain any special characters that need to be URL-encoded. Special characters can break the URL if not properly encoded.

By the way, does this issue happen in a specific Excel file or different files?

Thanks for your time and cooperation! Have a nice day!


Tina | Microsoft Community Moderator

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=image("https://e.anyoupin.cn/pdo/eh/a10/create_qr.php?value=" & A2)

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This happens in every excel files. May be it's API limitations as you said.

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Apparently it has been depreciated.

I haven't found a workaround :(

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You can use this other API

They have parameters you can use similar to the old Google Chart API.


QR Code data, needs to be HTML encoded


Error correction level: L, M, Q or H


Hex color code for the QR symbol


Hex color code for the background


Transparency of the background: True or False


Width of the whitespace around the QR code


Measurement unit for the quiet zone: mm (default), in (inch), mil (mils), mod (modules) or px (pixel)


Code page used for encoding data. Choose between UTF8 (default), Cyrillic and ANSI


Resolution (DPI - dots per inch) of the QR code image [96..600]


Size of the QR code: small, medium or large


Method used for returning the created QR code image (PNG): BASE64 (BASE64 encoded byte array for AJAX calls), Image or Download

Here's an example from my workbook where AD2 is the cell with data to create the QR Code


I only cared about the error correction parameter and quietzone (border) parameters, it works without declaring every parameter.

I hope this helps other transition from the google API

It looks like peiyezhu has offered another option although I haven't tested it.

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i could not get the one from peiyezhu to work

but this one worked perfectly for me. Thanks

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Question Info

Last updated September 23, 2024 Views 1,586 Applies to: