Excel as frontend and backend

Kindly help me to store data in Excel same as database

I have a Invoice form in excel( cosider this as Frontend) ,  once data is filled  completely i need all the data to be stored in other workseet ( consider this worksheet as backend) . And when new Invoice is prepared i need to store the new data in the backend workseet below the old one. Please guide me how to go for it.


Giving a precise answer to such a vague question is difficult. In principle there are 4 steps in doing this

1. Collect the data in the Userform
2. Verify the data are complete i.e. no missing fields
3. Ensure the data are of the correct type i.e. numbers, dates or strings for example.
4. Write the data to a worksheet to store it.

With regard to steps 1,2 & 3 you have provided no information.
Here's a very simple (and crude) bit of code that utilises a button to write the data from three text boxes to the first empty row on a sheet.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Lastrow As Long
Set sht = Sheets("Sheet1")
Lastrow = sht.Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
sht.Cells(Lastrow, 1) = TextBox1.Text
sht.Cells(Lastrow, 2) = TextBox2.Text
sht.Cells(Lastrow, 3) = TextBox3.Text
End Sub

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Mike H
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Mike H

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Your query is more in the nature of asking how to do a  "Project" than seeking an answer to a specific Excel problem.  Much of what you want depends on the specifics of your dataset, formatting requirements, etc.  Mostly, the responders here offer their time to assist those Excel users who are attempting to do something but have just run into a brick wall, and do not usually take on other peoples projects for free, (unless you just happen to get lucky and catch someone's interest).  Frankly, what you are wanting to do is well beyond your apparent Excel skill level, and you should really seek assistance from either a local Guru, who can give personal tutoring,  or a professional......or, start building your database straight on a Excel sheet with headers and not get in to the Frontend/Backend thing.....that can come later.


Vaya con Dios,

Chuck, CABGx3



=SUM(091938,USMCe4,WACS'61,USPatD248465, DADx3,CABGx3+AAA,MMOUS2k,VBAxlDev,MCC2011)

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Last updated January 27, 2025 Views 6,065 Applies to: