February 11, 2025
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Hi Peg,
WordArt has changed a lot since Word 2010.
Word Art is under the Insert Tab. Could you be a bit more forthcoming on what it is you want to do with it.
I developed an Add-In to allow use of old-style WordArt in recent versions.
2003 WordArt Add-In for 2010-2019 (365)
It works in Word 2019, but, long term, not as well as learning the new controls.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if you have any more questions or require further help.
Attorney at Law
Madison, Wisconsin
The Importance of Styles in Microsoft Word
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As far as I know, Word 2010 was the last version of Word that in .docx format:
(1) allowed editing of old-style WordArt, and
(2) let you keep it in .docx format.
Even so, you needed to get it into the document. My Add-In does that.
In Word 2010, with old-stlye WordArt, you have access to the WordArt Format tab from Word 2007 while in .docx format. That is lost in Word 2013 and later.
Here is a Word 2010 .docx.
When that document is opened in Word 2019 or 2016 you do not have access to that WordArt Format contextual tab. It is there in Word 2010 and 2013 but only if Word 2013 is acting in compatibility mode to 2010 or earlier. If a Word 2010 document with old WordArt
is converted to the Word 2013 or later version of .docx you get an image like this one instead of the one below.
The screenshot above is from Word 2013. That is the last version that allowed the Word 2007 WordArt ribbon tab.
Attorney at Law
Madison, Wisconsin
The Importance of Styles in Microsoft Word
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Question Info
Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 565 Applies to: