"Dogfood Only" Tag on PowerPoint Error Msg

Got a weird error after my computer crashed.  The presentation wouldn't open because it had been corrupted.  I got my work back through the version history.

The confusing part was the tag in front of the error that asked me to open the presentation online.  It said "[Dogfood Only]".  I couldn't find anything online with that error message.  I also was only able to get it to appear once.  When I opened the file online, it also presented an error and asked me to open it with the desktop application.

Does anyone know what "Dogfood Only" means?  It seems unprofessional of MS to leave in the error message.

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I'm not an Advisor nor a Microsoft employee, but I'm going to disagree with Anthony['s now deleted post] on this one.

I don't believe the "Dogfood Only" error has any direct correlation a virus.  Dogfooding is a business term for using your own products, typically as an early-adopter (or pre-beta-tester). I have heard that it is not unusual for Microsoft to push an early Release Candidate (or RC versions) into their corporate environment for additional "real world testing". During that period, there may be some features or functions which are not quite ready for "prime time" -- that is, there is unsettled code in that version of the app. I believe [Dogfood only] is simply a software development tool for tagging (or marking) an issue which needs to be resolved prior to RTM.  In other words, if you see [Dogfood Only], I think it's a residual tag which didn't get removed prior to compiling the RTM version.

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Last updated July 22, 2024 Views 2,770 Applies to: