creating library of customized bullet points in PowerPoint

in Word, you can add customised bullet points and have them available in bullet library, forever.

How can I create my bespoke library of bullet points in much more visual focused ppt instead of having 7 bullet types no-one uses anymore?

thanks in advance M.

You can't. They're hard-coded in the program. When you first create a custom bullet style, it replaces one of the stock bullet styles, but only as long as text with the custom style is selected.

Instead, create a template, open View>Slide Master, create up to 9 text levels on the slide master using your custom bullets. Use that template as the basis for your future presentations. Then you can ignore the PowerPoint stock presets.

Author of "OOXML Hacking - Unlocking Microsoft Office's Secrets", ebook now out
John Korchok, Production Manager

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Problem is when you use specific colour bullet points (3 colours allowed) on a specific colour background (same 3 colours allowed) Each time you will have to change the colour of a bullet v background on every bullet level. is there a workaround ?

say you have green, blue and white colours for bullets, text and a background

each of those has to change in each ppt to for specific sections of ppt but also they have to be different otherwise you wont see either bullets or text.

Any suggestions on this, please?

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Make three separate custom layouts, one for each color background. Then customize the outline levels for each layout to have bullet colors that contrast. Apply the layouts to slides. This is a little time-consuming to set up, but much faster when formatting slides.
Author of "OOXML Hacking - Unlocking Microsoft Office's Secrets", ebook now out
John Korchok, Production Manager

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Hi Milo,

Have you referred to the reply provided by advisor above? Please let us know if you still need any further help.

Best Regards

Waqas Muhammad

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Last updated January 8, 2024 Views 471 Applies to: