confidence intervals for proportions

Can Microsoft add a function like CONFIDENCE.P to calculate confidence intervals for proportions? I can put the appropriate equation in a cell and use other cells with values for p, n, and z a/2, but it seems like it wouldn't be that hard to just have a function to calculate it. It wouldn't be that different from CONFIDENCE.NORM or CONFIDENCE..T. Does anyone else think that would be useful?

I submitted this suggestion to MS. Here is the link if you are interested--please vote for it!

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Hint : get a “share” link to your feedback (may take a couple of minutes to process the initial submission of the feedback) and post the link back to this question. That way if someone finds this question they will be able to link directly to your feedback so they can vote for it and add their comments. The more feedback on a subject, the more likely it is to be acted on.


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Thank you so much for the suggestion! I submitted my feedback to MS through the hub. Here is the link:

I also clicked on Feedback in Excel and was able to submit my suggestion; however, I didn't get any shareable link from it.

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Question Info

Last updated February 4, 2022 Views 89 Applies to: