I am trying to create an alert on a document in SharePoint Online for a group of people. I am an administrator on the SharePoint Online site,
I can create an alert for an individual and that works. I have created a mail enabled security group with some people including me in it. When I create the alert for that group I get an email telling me that the alert has been created. It includes a link "My Alerts on this Site". If I click on it I am taken to a page which says: "There are currently no alerts to display". This is odd since it sent me the email saying the alert was created. Furthermore, if I change the document the alert was created on, no alerts are sent. It seems that SharePoint doesn't know I am a member of the mail enabled security group but it also seems that SharePoint is unable to send mail to a mail enabled security group. Is that the case? If not I have no idea what else it can be and I am hoping someone can help with this.
I can send email to the mail enabled security group using Outlook and that is delivered successfully. As a further test, I created a SharePoint group with the mail enabled security group as its only member. If I send email from within SharePoint using Actions->E-Mail Users it sends happily and all the members of the group receive the e-mail.
Here are some screenshots:
The email I received
The "My Alerts" page
The Security Group
The *** Email address is removed for privacy *** exists and contains various members including me. I can send email to it using Outlook and that is delivered.
Here is what appears in Site Settings under User Alerts:
The SharePoint group