Access Analysis Spell Check in Query or Table

Is there a way to enable spell check in  query or table like how MS words does spell check? 

I know there is spell check function in Records or you can add spell check by creating Forms but they find miss-spelled words one by one and open pop up window. 

What I want is like in MS words spell check when you have a miss-spelled word it indicates by highlighting or red lining the miss-spelled word so I can quickly look at miss-spelled words and only edit the ones I want. 

Please help!

There isn't a way as far as I'm aware to do that in Access on a table or query. You may have to go through the table and manually correct errors one by one.

From there, you could correct the problem before it is saved to the table by looping through the form text controls and using DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling i.e. have the user correct the spelling before it is saved.

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It might help to keep in mind that Word is a word processing application. It's purpose and primary function is writing down words. Therefore, it's important to have tools like Spell Check in Word to support that purpose.

Access, on the other hand, is an application designed for the creation of relational databases applications. Its primary purpose and function is managing data. It's not quite so important, therefore, to have powerful word processing tools in Access.

That said, of course, there is a value to having a rudimentary kind of spell checking available. 

If you are working with massive amounts of text, perhaps an approach that could speed things up might be to export those text fields into a word processing tool, such as MS Word, for spell-checking. 

Besides that, I can't really picture a scenario where this would pay off anyway. After all, in most working relational database applications, new records are either added one by one by a data entry person or persons, or they are imported from an external source--and in that latter case, of course, spell checking could be done much better in that external source. If your users are consistently miss-spelling words while working with your relational database application, I think a better investment of time might be in training for them....

With Joy Wend Your Way

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Yet another alternative:

Acquire a machine-readable dictionary of legal words.

Read that into a table in your database.

Compare that in a query that shows words in your database that don’t appear in the list.

Author of The Ten Commandments Of VBA For Microsoft Access Newbies

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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 253 Applies to: