Something is happening to me with the Internet Explorer mode functionality, I have Windows 11 installed and Edge version 122.0.2365.52 (Official build) (64-bit), until before the most recent updates it worked correctly and without problem, as of the most recent updates started to work poorly, basically the problem is that when capturing text it does not respect the keys pressed but instead sends others that should not even be sent in the order of the keys on the keyboard, for example, in Instead of sending the captured text, it sends the string "qwerty" or the string "dfghjk" and so on. I copy example images in case someone can help me with this. It is important to mention that this does not happen on computers with Windows 10 installed, only with those that have Windows 11 and the aforementioned version of Edge. Thanks in advance. I'm sorry for my English, it is not my native language and I take the help of a translator.