There is a new "feature" in Edge browser on forms data that is SUPER ANNOYING and I need to remove it.
Previously, Edge would save form data and allow you to click on a field and select from previously used information, it even prioritized the most commonly used data to the top of the list or allowed you to start typing and would narrow the results by partially typed info. However, there is now this "Last Used" option that shows up at the top, and auto fills in not only the field that you are trying to complete, but also auto fills all other forms fields with the exact same data as last used. This would be a good idea for a single commonly used set of data, unfortunately I use Edge Browser at work and need to fill in some fields with unique customer data (such as a company name, ticket number, serial number, etc.) on every form, and other fields from a small list of possible options (like a model number for a product). With this new "feature" it will overwrite previously filled in data fields with the last used data if you accidentally click on this option. SO I start filling out a form, input a new customer name, address, ticket number, then accidentally click on Last Used in another field, and it overwrites the previously entered data, deleting the correctly input information with now incorrect info, and I have to then clear the incorrect data and re-enter the correct data AGAIN and make sure not to accidentally click on "Last Used" by accident AGAIN or I have to start all over AGAIN.
I can't see any option to turn off JUST the Last Used option, without having to turn off ALL form suggestions, meaning I now have to type out all the commonly used fields manually every time.
Does anyone know how to turn off this horrible feature that I never asked for and absolutely HATE?
If Not, my only other option is to install a totally different Browser.
Microsoft, you are forcing me to use Google Chrome or Firefox unless you remove this useless any harmful feature, or at least give me an option to turn it off.