Windows 10 Insider 20161, 20175 stuck on 30% update - Stuck on Insider 20152

Hi I'm stuck on the Windows 10 Insider 20152, every time i tried the update after the 2nd boot it get stuck on 30% and no HDD (SSD) activity, I tried like 8 times already, i uninstalled a lot of suspicious drivers, third party antivirus, etc, etc. I read all the posibles answers here on the community, I tried like 8 time from the Windows update setting, and I even tried from and ISO 20175 image, and the same the update is stuck at 30% and after a lot of time 20min, 4 hours, even one time i leave it all night (I have it installed on the SSD) nothing same results. I checked the disk with chckdsk, and tried sfc /scannow, all possibly stuff, I even delete the extra recovery partition on the same drive. There is enough space like 85GB. 

I tried with 20161, 20170, 20175 same results with all off them.

Here is the pic of the partitions:

rom the setupact.log i will put the last part of the log:

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): OOBE boot apply

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP       AddSpace: add:       157286400, current:       849346560, peak:       849346560

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Refresh localized strings

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Execute provisioning migration

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Gather end install, scope: EVERYTHING

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP       AddSpace: add:       314572800, current:      1163919360, peak:      1163919360

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP       Operation (remaining): Start suspended services

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP     DISKSPACEQUERY: Final disk space needed estimate: 1163919360

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP     Executing operation: Setup the recovery partition

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP     MEMORYTRACK: Total             : 22411829248

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP     MEMORYTRACK: Load              : 4

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP     MEMORYTRACK: Available for op  : 21743161344

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP     DISKSPACETRACK: Available      : 85236391936

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP     DISKSPACETRACK: Needed total   : 1163919360

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP     DISKSPACETRACK: Needed for op  : 471859200

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP         CSetupRecoveryPartition::DoExecute: Setting up the recovery partition for the OS

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP         CSetupRecoveryPartition::DoExecute: OS entry name: NewOS

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP         CSetupRecoveryPartition::DoExecute: New OS WinDir: C:\WINDOWS

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP         CSetupRecoveryPartition::DoExecute: OS guid: {55C777C9-D036-11EA-936C-54A050E80C2B}

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                  SP         CSetupRecoveryPartition::DoExecute: WinRE file: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Recovery\winre.wim

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Enter WinReHashWimFile

2020-07-27 20:25:28, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Parameters: WimFile: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Recovery\winre.wim

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Exit WinReHashWimFile return value: 1, last error: 0x0

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Enter WinReSetupInstall

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Parameters: StagedWinRELocation: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Recovery, AllowDiskPartitionChanges: 1

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] newOSBCDGuid: {55C777C9-D036-11EA-936C-54A050E80C2B} 

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] --Install on target OS step 1: collect info like partition list, loading reagent.xml, source winre.wim and partition

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Enumerate and log all fixed partitions:

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] --Partition info--

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] VolumeName: \\?\Volume{cf9d1ea9-c0f6-4852-9b50-c8c25f237018}, PartitionName: \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk0\partition1

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Partition number: 1, offset: 1048576, free space: 72255488, total space: 100663296

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] DiskNumber:0, DiskSignature:0, NTFS:0, Mbr:0, Active:0, Boot:0, BitlockerEnabled:0

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GPT partition GUID:: {C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B} 

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] DiskId: {DBA598D4-A6E2-4605-AC52-BDBC1E0D537C} 

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] --Partition info--

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] VolumeName: \\?\Volume{905d70ea-c3a2-4607-917b-dbd88ef16823}, PartitionName: \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk0\partition3

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Partition number: 3, offset: 509450649600, free space: 0, total space: 0

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] DiskNumber:0, DiskSignature:0, NTFS:0, Mbr:0, Active:0, Boot:0, BitlockerEnabled:0

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GPT partition GUID:: {DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A16A-BFD50179D6AC} 

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] DiskId: {DBA598D4-A6E2-4605-AC52-BDBC1E0D537C} 

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] --Partition info--

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] VolumeName: \\?\Volume{e569bafb-879b-4fda-67f6-8a39c5b190a1}, PartitionName: \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk0\partition2

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Partition number: 2, offset: 241172480, free space: 85668753408, total space: 509208821760

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] DiskNumber:0, DiskSignature:0, NTFS:1, Mbr:0, Active:0, Boot:1, BitlockerEnabled:0

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GPT partition GUID:: {EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7} 

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] DiskId: {DBA598D4-A6E2-4605-AC52-BDBC1E0D537C} 

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Get downlevel ReAgent config

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe]  Downlevel config file path: C:\Recovery\ReAgentOld.xml

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe]  Checking for downlevel WinRE installation.

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] First round search

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Get ReAgent config

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GetReAgentConfig Config file path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Recovery\ReAgent.xml

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] CheckRegKey test hook (SystemSetupInProgress) present or enabled

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GetReAgentConfig System setup is in progress.

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Warning                          [SetupPlatform.exe] failed to get child attribute by tag: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GetChildAttributeByTag(IsAutoRepairOn) failed: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Warning                          [SetupPlatform.exe] failed to get child attribute by tag: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GetChildAttributeByTag(IsServer) failed: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Warning                          [SetupPlatform.exe] failed to get child attribute by tag: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GetChildAttributeByTag(DownlevelWinreLocation.Dir): 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Warning                          [SetupPlatform.exe] failed to get child attribute by tag: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GetChildAttributeByTag(DownlevelWinreLocation.DiskSignature): 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Warning                          [SetupPlatform.exe] failed to get child attribute by tag: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GetChildAttributeByTag(DownlevelWinreLocation.Offset): 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Warning                          [SetupPlatform.exe] failed to get child attribute by tag: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GetChildAttributeByTag(DownlevelWinreLocation.DiskId): 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Warning                          [SetupPlatform.exe] failed to get child attribute by tag: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GetChildAttributeByTag(IsWimBoot) failed: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Warning                          [SetupPlatform.exe] failed to get child attribute by tag: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] GetChildAttributeByTag(NarratorScheduled) failed: 0xd

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Update enhanced config info is enabled.

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Warning                          [SetupPlatform.exe] Failed to get recovery entries: 0xc0000225

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreGetWinReGuid returning 0X490

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] ReAgentConfig::ReadBcdAndUpdateEnhancedConfigInfo WinRE disabled, WinRE Guid could not be determined  (0x490) 

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] FindWinReSourceImageAndPartition using winre.wim from C:\WINDOWS\System32\Recovery

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] --Install on target OS step 2: detect and fix if there is any issue for winre settings

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] DetectAndFixWinReIssues nothing to do because winre is not enabled.

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] --Install on target OS step 3: check if we can keep winre.wim in the same partition if it is staged.

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] --Install on target OS step 4: check if we can put winre.wim in other partitions or create one if needed.

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] CanPutWinREOnOtherPartitions WinRE is not staged. Searching for a suitable partition for WinRE.

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Entering FindTargetPartition

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] RegLoadKey $OFFLINE$SYSTEM failed. Error: 0x3.

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Start looping through each partition and initialize os partition, recovery partition and system partition for MBR

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe]  Checking partition at offset 1048576, partition number: 1

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe]  skip GPT Partition which type is not PARTITION_MSFT_RECOVERY_GUID

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe]  Checking partition at offset 509450649600, partition number: 3

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] MeetPartitionRequirements Partition details: {Offset: 509450649600, Free space: 0, Total space: 0}

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] MeetPartitionRequirements WinRE WIM size: 439070673

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] MeetPartitionRequirements Required free space: 493596625

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Warning                          [SetupPlatform.exe] MeetPartitionRequirements Not enough free space req = 493596625 avail = 0 offset = 509450649600 

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe]  skip partition because it does not meet WinRE requirements

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe]  Checking partition at offset 241172480, partition number: 2

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe]  find OS partition

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] Complete looping through each partition

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] ----Search target partition option #1: try existing WinRE partition

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] ----Search target partition option #2: try first recovery partition

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] ----Search target partition option #3: try system partition for MBR

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] ----Search target partition option #4: try new recovery partition if allowed

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe]  Attempting to create a new partition for WinRE

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreGetNewPartitionWithCoInit Will shrink the OS volume with : 547074001 

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreGetNewPartitionWithCoInit Will create partition with size: 546025425 

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreGetVolumeGUIDPath returning \\?\Volume{e569bafb-879b-4fda-67f6-8a39c5b190a1}\

2020-07-27 20:25:31, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreGetNewPartition root: C:\WINDOWS OS volume GUID: \\?\Volume{e569bafb-879b-4fda-67f6-8a39c5b190a1}\

2020-07-27 20:25:36, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winrePInitVDSService returning TRUE

2020-07-27 20:25:36, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreEnumerate returning TRUE

2020-07-27 20:25:36, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreEnumerate returning TRUE

2020-07-27 20:25:36, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreProcessPack returning TRUE

2020-07-27 20:25:36, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreEnumerate returning TRUE

2020-07-27 20:25:36, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreProcessProvider returning TRUE

2020-07-27 20:25:36, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreGetVolumeGUIDPath returning \\?\Volume{e569bafb-879b-4fda-67f6-8a39c5b190a1}\

2020-07-27 20:25:36, Info                             [SetupPlatform.exe] winreShrinkVolume Shrinking the OS volume with: 547074001 

Everytime I get stuck when i reset the PC, the windows rollback came back fine to the version 20152. (The one i'm writing now)

So, I don't know what else to try. These windows 10 Insider has been upgraded from all insiders almost 2 years without problem, only 1 time i had problem with indel HDD SATA driver. I never formated or had to CLEAN INSTALL, always fine a way to do it.

These time I think i need deeper help with logs or something.

Hope someone can help me.



Hi Daniel,

Assume you have cleared out the SoftwareDistribution\Download folder. Did you remove any ISO remnants of failed installs from the root of C:\drive. There could be 2 hidden folders. You mention you uninstalled 3rd party AV, did you use the removal tool from the vendor. Only way to get rid of all traces.

Do you happen to have Conexant Audio Driver. If so, uninstall the driver from device manager and any related program files.

Suggest clean booting your system, restart, mount the ISO image and run setup again after you clear any remnants from previous attempts.



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Hi Daniel,

Assume you have cleared out the SoftwareDistribution\Download folder. Did you remove any ISO remnants of failed installs from the root of C:\drive. There could be 2 hidden folders. You mention you uninstalled 3rd party AV, did you use the removal tool from the vendor. Only way to get rid of all traces.

Do you happen to have Conexant Audio Driver. If so, uninstall the driver from device manager and any related program files.

Suggest clean booting your system, restart, mount the ISO image and run setup again after you clear any remnants from previous attempts.


Thanks for the help Johnny, and yes I cleaned the SoftwareDistribution\Download folder, and clean the leftovers of the failed install from the root of C drive, using the windows clean utility, and checked the folders and yes the utility empty the folders fine. I tried the CLEAN BOOT WINDOWS link and disabled all the startup programs from the taskmanager and from the MSCONFIG utility and disabled all the Microsoft services from there too like it said on the instructions. 

I really don't think is any driver, or program, because on the log the Windows installation stop when is trying to shrink the partition, at least that what I think reading the logs, and see that it stops there. When I installed from the ISO it give me the next error: 0xC1900101 - 0x30004 (The installation failed in the FIRST_BOOT phase with an error during INSTALL_RECOVERY_ENVIROMENT operation.

So it seems that the installation cannot create the partition for the RECOVERY ENVIROMENT. So maybe is a problem of that the installation cannot do the steps for creating that partition, or shrinking or expanding the already recovery partition. 

I think that is more a permitions problem with the SSD drive or an incompatibility on the partitions, etc, maybe a partition table is corrupted. I don't know. I check with SFC  /SCANNOW, CHKDSK, etc and the files are ok. Is safe to delete the 3rd little recovery partition from the existing windows?

And I don't really want to install Windows Insider from scratch I have a lot of programs, and configurations, and information inside.

There must be solution for these, because is an error that for sure happens to a few people.


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I hope this was just a typo:

I tried the CLEAN BOOT WINDOWS link and disabled all the startup programs from the taskmanager and from the MSCONFIG utility and disabled all the Microsoft services from there too like it said on the instructions.

Disable all non-ms services, you click the checkbox on bottom left corner to hide all ms services, and disable the rest showing.


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I hope this was just a typo:

I tried the CLEAN BOOT WINDOWS link and disabled all the startup programs from the taskmanager and from the MSCONFIG utility and disabled all the Microsoft services from there too like it said on the instructions.

Disable all non-ms services, you click the checkbox on bottom left corner to hide all ms services, and disable the rest showing.

Yeah i click Hide Microsoft services. I wanted to said I disabled all NON MS Services. Sorry about tipo is 5am here.

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Hi Daniel,

have you been able to resolve this? I have the exact same issue trying to upgrade Windows 10 from 1903 to 1909 or 2004. The Windows update gets stuck at exactly the same spot, and setupact.log ends at exactly the same line (shrinking the OS volume). I don't understand why any volumes need to be shrunk in the first place...

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Hello ividyon,

Sorry Daniel, this thread must have got buried in this forum. I wonder if either of you have done a total clean install lately. Starting with the 20H1 builds there is a new partition layout, curious if this somehow is effecting your upgrades.

This is an example of a legacy bios system. Please note the 50MB System Reserved and the Recovery Partition located at the end of the drive. On a UEFI system, System Reserved would be 100MB with similar Recovery Partition located at end of drive with a small UEFI partition between System Reserved and Primary I believe. (Don't have my UEFI systems handy).

Previously, windows would locate the Recovery Partition between System Reserved and the Primary Partition. Could either of you post a pic of your boot drive in Disk Management.

This might explain why volumes require shrinking (Primary Partition) causing your failure. (Possibly data located at end of Primary Partition). Some 3rd party defrag utilities locate most commonly used data at end of drive. Could this be a factor?



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Hi Johnny,

thank you very much for your response.

I must comment that this is literally the single thread on the internet where this specific topic is being handled. It is not shown on Google; instead, the only result is another thread by the OP Daniel. I only found this thread by browsing his profile. So, perhaps it would be a good idea to provide a link to this thread in his original post:

That way, people who search for the error on search engines may more easily find this information.

Thank you for the help! I hope this will move us a little further. Here is how my drive looks:

This install is a few years old. I am not in the habit of reinstalling Windows from scratch.

I have a bootable USB partition manager (GParted) which could rearrange and resize partitions as necessary. Do you have directions on what to adjust manually so I can get the update moving?

I can't recall using third-party defragmenting software, since this is a NVMe SSD which IIRC no longer use the concept of defragmentation. But if you have instructions on how to proceed, I will gladly follow them.

Many thanks,


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Hello Ivan,

If you came to this Insider Forum directly, you would have found this thread. We are not MS, (we do have a representative Eddie MSFT) that regularly follows issues with Insider builds, the rest of us are like yourself, Insiders helping Insiders (volunteers).

This is the layout of an Acer UEFI laptop. As this one is only few weeks old, the larger Recovery Partition may be due to original bloatware, only upgraded this device to 20H2 via clean install booting from flash card using existing partition, did not delete all partitions as in total clean custom install that I would normally do.

I still highly recommend doing a total clean install. I normally do so with Release on main system usually once per year or 2 to clear out old junk and programs I never use anymore. Let windows create the proper partitions for your system. I did this on my main due to new layout, and it does take me couple days to install everything.

Might actually be quicker, depending on your software.  I double checked my Surface Pro, they both show Basic Data Partition rather than Primary Partition as per your example in disk management. My main system shows Primary Partition, but it is legacy bios, not UEFI.

Anyhow, first thing you need to do is create a image recovery of your drive. in case something does go wrong. I use Acronis but many here use Macrium (free).

Not familiar with GParted but assume you can do this all in one shot with several stages. In your case, remove the Recovery Partition from front of drive. Next up move the Healthy EFI system to front of drive. Might have to do some extending and shrinking, same with the Primary Partition. Once that is done, the upgrade should create a new Recovery Partition at the end of drive.

A total clean custom install, deleting all existing partitions may be easier and quicker with windows creating the proper partitions for your device.

@Don, perhaps you can add to this, you are familiar with creating the EFI partition and moving contents. Not positive GParted will do this for Ivan. Also concerned regarding Primary vs Basic Data with UEFI.



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Last updated March 7, 2021 Views 636 Applies to: