I was having this problem in 14291 of not being able to run SFC /SCANNOW command for the error of WINDOWS RESOURCE PROTECTION COULD NOT START THE REPAIR SERVICE message..........................After looking in the Feedback App I found the answer to fix that problem.  It works in both 14291 and 14295 you just have to tweak the commands to fit your build.  Anyway here's how I did it:

RUN SFC /SCANNOW in an administrative command prompt window

Get the error stated above.

Open the CBS.LOG file in the C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\ folder

Check what file it fails to load and make note of the folder it is looking in for the file

run the following commands

takeown /F C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14291.1001_none_7c2e5a73f273bd94\*/R /A


icacls C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14291.1001_none_7c2e5a73f273bd94\*.* /T /grant administrators:F


xcopy /C /R /O /Y C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack-onecore_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14291.1001_none_b11fef854a76db2a\wrpint.dll


and viola! you can run SFC /SCANNOW without any problems after that

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Darkz2012 discovered the real reason sfc /scannow does not work back in build 14279,
wrpint.dll is missing from the required folders for both x64 & x86(32bit) systems by

checking the CBS.LOG file in the C:\Windows\Logs\CBS folder.

If you copy the file wrpint.dll back to the right locations sfc /scannow works.

Then the code you found in the Hub is actually the same code I wrote to help people with copying

the missing  wrpint.dll. However my code even though it works is very large and needs to be updated

for every windows 10 build.


Then Sam-R - found on the web a smaller and better all windows 10 build version of the same code that

does not need to be changed, it works for all versions of windows 10 but needs to be run as a batch file

rather than at command prompt admin.

For all windows 10 builds - including 14295 and any new builds in the future - use the following:

As suggested by SAM-R

Try BKUL ALL WINDOWS 10 BUILD VERSION sfc fix script that works for both 32 bit & 64 bit


Instructions: ( Important these commands need to be run as a batch file - scanfix.cmd )

1. Click file explorer, View, tick [/] file name extensions (then close the file explorer window)
2. right-click the desktop and create a new file - call it scanfix.cmd (not scanfix.cmd.txt)
3. right-click & edit scanfix.cmd then copy and paste the commands in black below and save the file
4. right-click scanfix.cmd - run as administrator
5. Check 1 file was copied  
6. Right-click start, command prompt (admin) type sfc /scannow (& press enter)

@echo off
set root=%SystemRoot%\WinSxS\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%_microsoft-windows-servicingstack
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /ad /b %root%-onecore*') do set "from=%SystemRoot%\WinSxS\%%A"
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /ad /b %root%_*') do set "to=%SystemRoot%\WinSxS\%%A"
takeown /F %to%\* /R /A 1>nul
icacls %to%\*.* /T /grant administrators:F 1>nul
echo on
echo F|xcopy /C /R /O /Y %from%\wrpint.dll %to%\wrpint.dll

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Brilliant. Thanks very much Max & Darkz2012.

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Darkz2012 discovered the real reason sfc /scannow does not work back in build 14279,
wrpint.dll is missing from the required folders for both x64 & x86(32bit) systems by

checking the CBS.LOG file in the C:\Windows\Logs\CBS folder.

If you copy the file wrpint.dll back to the right locations sfc /scannow works.

Then the code you found in the Hub is actually the same code I wrote to help people with copying

the missing  wrpint.dll. However my code even though it works is very large and needs to be updated

for every windows 10 build.


Then Sam-R - found on the web a smaller and better all windows 10 build version of the same code that

does not need to be changed, it works for all versions of windows 10 but needs to be run as a batch file

rather than at command prompt admin.

For all windows 10 builds - including 14295 and any new builds in the future - use the following:

As suggested by SAM-R

Try BKUL ALL WINDOWS 10 BUILD VERSION sfc fix script that works for both 32 bit & 64 bit


Instructions: ( Important these commands need to be run as a batch file - scanfix.cmd )

1. Click file explorer, View, tick [/] file name extensions (then close the file explorer window)
2. right-click the desktop and create a new file - call it scanfix.cmd (not scanfix.cmd.txt)
3. right-click & edit scanfix.cmd then copy and paste the commands in black below and save the file
4. right-click scanfix.cmd - run as administrator
5. Check 1 file was copied  
6. Right-click start, command prompt (admin) type sfc /scannow (& press enter)

@echo off
set root=%SystemRoot%\WinSxS\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%_microsoft-windows-servicingstack
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /ad /b %root%-onecore*') do set "from=%SystemRoot%\WinSxS\%%A"
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /ad /b %root%_*') do set "to=%SystemRoot%\WinSxS\%%A"
takeown /F %to%\* /R /A 1>nul
icacls %to%\*.* /T /grant administrators:F 1>nul
echo on
echo F|xcopy /C /R /O /Y %from%\wrpint.dll %to%\wrpint.dll

it didn't work for me...

this is what I did.... closed all web browsers, all running apps.. restarted my laptop and on elevated command, (run as administrator),  type sfc /scannow.... and voila... it worked..

Thanks for your suggestion..


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Make sure Trusted Installer Service is running also called windows modules installer on some OS's.

Run from an elevated command prompt the FULL path as seen below.

C:\windows\sysnative\sfc /scannow

If sfc /scannow runs 32 vs 64 bit version you get that error.

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Discussion Info

Last updated June 20, 2024 Views 24,555 Applies to: