Bing search by date

Does Bing allow search by date range like today, this week, etc.


According to the Bing help it is / was an advanced feature.


In either Windows 8 or 8.1 I cannot find it. 


If it exists please provide a screen shot since most of the commentary says click on the search box and select it. That does not seem to work on either versions of Windows 8.


In Google, search by date is a drop bar feature. Obviously with changing news and technology the latest answer might be the best. Searching Bing for this question gets results from 2009, 2011 and 2012 - none of them relevant to the latest version of the Bing search engine.




Got this one figured out. Bing Search results-by-date is a USA option.

If it's not working for you, here are the steps

"not a complete unknown"

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Question Info

Last updated August 5, 2022 Views 6,857 Applies to: